Ballad of Sun vs. Moon by [13BlackRoses]
The moon has awakened
The terrible sun will be overtaken
Moon is assembling its warriors of stars
Prisoner kept inside metal bars.
The moon warriors ready for battle
Shooting stars fit with glimmering saddles
And, while rearing and bucking, are haltered
In this battle, there will be no falter.
On the other side of the mountain
There stands sun, fires of fountains
His flame demon archers stand steady
Bows and arrows at the ready.
The children, the mortals, far down below
Are ready to see the moons great glow
As the sun, the bright, is overtaken
They will not be the least bit shaken.
So now everyone is ready for battle
And there is heard, a rattle, a rattle
The stars shoot through the sky
Random mortals, teary eyed, cry
Boastful he is, the sun
Making stars flee and run
Swords of words and shields of ignorance
Fire spirits dance in bliss.
Soon comes lightning, aiding the moon
The wind blows as if in a swoon
The lightning lets out its crashes
Turning roses into ashes.
Like thorns, the stars power wounds
Pinprick blood drops, death comes soon
The sun, without aid, begins to flee
He knows all the moon wants is to be free.
But his warriors are not yet done
No, they have barely even begun
The demons yearn and wish to win
They worry behind their malevolent grins.
So sun falls back into his hall
Flees behind mountain, behind wall
He rebuilds his army lost to the moon
He will be ready to re-conquer soon.
Up in the sky, the moon cheers
Releasing all those worrisome fears
He relishes in the suns flight
For he truly is the ruler of night.