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Jupiter Rose (You can reach me on myspace)
Name: Meghann or Jupiter Rose
Elfpack titles and orders
I have been going through a lot of stress lately so I am just minimizing my message checking to just myspace.
You can always reach me there if you want to continue talking. My profile is set to private, so send me a message and I will either add you or give you my email address so you can add me. Make sure you let me know where I would know you from, because I will not just add anyone.
My myspace url is
Age: 22 | Year of birth: 1988 | Month of birth: 3 | Day of birth: 6 |
Gender: female
What do you do?: Something in between
Place of living: USA-Washington
Exact place of living: Spokane
Known languages
Sign Language | English | Japanese |
Spanish |
country | jazz | punk |
rock | techno |
Other interests
animals | boardgames | books |
card games | cats | cooking |
crime stories | fantasy | fashion |
party | poetry | politics |
role playing | singing | sewing |
Civil status: married
Sexual preference: both sexes
Body shape: big breasted
Height: 160