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Member #12928 created: 2005-03-22 10:07:05Simple URL:   


thats a pic o me above not a gd one but hey it will do ;)

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Elfpack titles and orders
AdventurerCrazy kid

Brown/blond hair blue eyes and meduim bulid

i have my tounge done i enjoy goin out with mates and basicly just havin a laugh in general add me if u wanna chat

Sometimes life can get u down and u wanna be alone some people help u some people dont. Life can be stressful but you just have to life with it. I wanna scream i wanna shout that makes me feel better.sometimes i get the blame sometimes i dont, the was im feelin is not very gd tied between this that and everything, some people love life and some people hate it but it all depends what you make it
Drugs dont work tried it all talking will but who`s willing to listen people who care or people that just want to be kind,stress isn`t good let it all out.Tryin to think what to do is a mission and a half to do.Some people drink if it gets too much,drugs or suicide is the wrong way to turn.
smoking weed or smoking grass is one way to feel relaxed some people belive it
but some people dont, gettin the blame for everything is hard to take on whatever you do
dont let it get you down like it has with me.

Friends will be there always and forever but unfortunalty life isn`t, life can be sad, life can be happy, life can be exciting but like i said its what you make it. lyin here on my bed thinkin what to do but tryin to get through all these thoughts is a mission and a half to do. Being angry inside is not a gd thing, why not just let it go?????.if there was one chance of everyone gettin a new life i think everyone would be there waitin. I sit and think and wonder why my life always seems to fuck up.

So many doors what one do i go through this is one that or mayb that one again.
i dunno anymore i give up.
Some people laugh some people cry when live gets them down most people must know when to stop naggin at you.
Put it behide you if ya can.
cant talk all you do is cry or think.
drugs or drink is the wrong way to turn.
choose wisely what you want to do whos gonna stop ya it will get better in time...................................... BUT ONLY IF YOU BELIVE IT WILL!!

As for dads they walk out and walk in when ever they feel like it,
whats the point in fathers execpt from buyin u stuff they just take the complete piss, but when it comes to their special daughter there always there but when its e doesnt fucking care............and that would go for ppl that i know.

Some people people loss contact with certain people
but unfortunalty people loss contact all together
but who ever it is there always in your heart but only if u belive they are.
i just wanna say i miss you and i would do anything to turn back time.

Doesnt matter who it is either daughter or son etc....
miles apart or even a very big distance.
they are always with you no matter where u go
no matter wat you do there watching u.

I miss you everyday
i miss you every minute of the day
but my heart is always with you no matter
what i do or where i go.

Having mixed feelings is not good
either have one or the other
that may make u feel better,
not complete but maybe a bit.

keeping in tears and angry for the loved ones
that you dont see, wont do you any good.
Everynight i close my eyes i see you
even im not paying attenion to anything
everything i do your always in my head.

I want you here right beside me
holding you in my arms
but unfortunalty i can only do that in my dreams
and thats where you will stay until i see you.

when ever that is i will be waiting
i dont care how long it takes, or far i have to go
i will find you and with me you will stay.
mates will help you get through it
but thats only if you want it,
but all i want you know i miss you 
and i always will until the day
i have u in my arms.
Words can not describe how much im
missing you and no one
will ever know
but im soooooooooo lost
without you!!!!!!!!!
i cant sleep all i do is cry.

Age: 16Year of birth: 1988Month of birth: 9Day of birth: 26

Gender: female

What do you do?: Studying

Place of living: United Kingdom-Scotland

Exact place of living: dundee

Known languages


Other interests

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: normal

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