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tinytitties4life (i may never be good enough... but ateast I tried..)

Member #16511 created: 2005-05-09 00:49:35Simple URL:   

Name: Sara

Photo missing.

Image missing.

Elfpack titles and orders
Crazy kid

Elftown Name: FuckinHatesHim

(1) Dated one of your best friends: yes
(2) Loved/Liked: yes
(3) Cried: yes
(4) Drank alcohol: yes
(5) Done drugs: yes
(6) Broken the law: yes
(7) Broken a bone: naa
(8) Cheated on a test: yes
(9) Skinny dipped:yes
(10) Played Truth or Dare: yes
(11) Ridden in a fire truck: naa
(12) Come close to dying: dont' know
(13) burned yourself: yes
(14) Given someone a piggy back/shoulder
ride: yes
(15) Eaten a worm/mud pie: naa
(16) Stayed up till four on the phone: yes
(17) Tipped over a port-a-potty: hell naa
(18)Fell asleep while eating: naa
(19) Met someone famous: almost
(20) Been in a school play: once
(21) Cried in public: yes
(22) Seen someone die: naa
(23) been in a fist fight: playfully
(24) given someone a bruise: yes
(25) gotten a bruise: yes
(26) knocked somone out: naa
(27) been knocked out:naa
(28) flipped any vehicles: naa
(29) cut someone: naa
(30) been cut: naa
(31) burnt any buildings down: naa
(32) sex in public: naa 
(33) mooned someone: yes
(34) acted kidnapped in a car: naa
(35) flashed someone: yes
(36) kissed an ass: naa
(37) blew something up: yes
(38) caught your yard on fire: naa
(39) threw a firecracker at someone: naa
(40) been in any wars: naa
(41) stayed up all night: yes
(42) slept all day:almost
(43) watched the sunrise: yes
(44) rode a motorcycle: naa
(45) driven a car: yes
(46) wrecked a car: naa
(47) gotten a tity twister: yes
(48) given a tity twister: yes
(49) posed for a nude pic: yes
(50) been suspended: hell yes!
(51) been expelled: yes, once
(52) been arrested: yes
(53) been in jail: for 5 hours
(54) have you ever had sex: hell yes!

x=true _= false
(x) been in love
(x) got drunk
(x) got stoned
(x) had sex
(_) had anal sex
(x) shoplifted
(x) been arrested
(_) had sex in public
(_) been caught having sex
(x) had sex with the same sex
(x) been in a threesome
(x) involved
(_) had phone sex
(_) walked in on a friend doin it
(_) walked in on parents
(x) had oral
(_) slept with someone just for sex
(_) masturbated to music
(x) been there just for him

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Age: 14

Gender: female

What do you do?: Something in between

Place of living: France

Exact place of living: fuckin redneckville!!! stupid peoples!lol

Known languages

Elfpack crew wannabe: No

gothheavy metalhip hop

Sexual preference: both sexes

Body shape: thin

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