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My Official Title, According To Nanoda Is "Momo Chaan. The cute and fluffy werewolf of lovable idiot
-ness!" And I am her official "Hoe"
I do not feel like writing a lot of useless informationn about myself here that anyone could guess.
message me and find out, I suppose. but I suppose I might as well.
I'm no one but myself, and I don`t want to be anyone else.
I hate my looks, and my body, but i'm stuck with them
My personality is oke, I suppose, but thats for you to be the judge of.
I like anime, manga, video games and such, but they are`nt my life.
I read a lot, and draw just as much.
I'm a nice guy, at least I like to think, but I can also be the biggest douchebag to people who screw with my friends.
but I'm quite fond of new friends, and always willing to make them. =D
If you want to talk, i'm almost always avalible, and I try my hardest for my friends
( ̄(エ) ̄)
No real use in a big long profile that does`nt describe me very well, words won`t do that. Anyone can say what they like about themselves, but their character shows when you talk.
And uh....I don`t feel like writing anything else.
Message me and talk.
(^ _ ^)/~ Bye.