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B78 BOYZ BRAPP (talk birds xxxx)

Member #33647 created: 2005-11-17 11:44:19Simple URL:   

Name: renta a.k.a born


ye dis is rita


sum ov da boys p.f.l brapp

Elfpack titles and orders
Drunk-assSex-monsterCrazy kid

yhe yhe bluds i iz renta a.k.a born safe peppl!!biggin it up 2 da polesworth crew safe boyz n birds!!i iz 15 i like going down da vill wid ma polesworth manz n gettin fuked!!so bird ya wna talk n wnt a bad manz talk birds safe!!braaappp!!

talk 2 one ov me bad manz [jack 2k6]talk 2 im girls!!safe jack!a.k.a joke

a big shout ot 2 ma gezzers down iN the B78 BOY'Z







lil dec **safe**

lil spug!**spuggy**






bow **youngen**
nicky **raffa**

darren **daz**

connor **geeza **

yhe der sum oov me manz!!

n big up da P.F.L birds!!












yhe so biggin al yaz up n trust man fuk wid dease ppl ya get mercked get me ppl!!
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smoke weed evryday!!dnt some n die smoke n fly up high wid da weed in da sky
~i go each day w/ THC
just a lil joint & me
we hit the bowl&have sum fun
im reely high when i am done
i like to smoke sum mary jane
to this day i cant complain

some is green sticky or hairy
it may even be a bit scary
even if it looks like hell
jus lite it up & breathe that smell
u can count on that lil green leaf
to replace a hard day w/releif

when we sit to smoke trees
pack the bowl again plz
standin around smokin a j
i luv to smoke that incredible hay

i luv weed & weed luvs me
im a pothead as u c
i think ill go & hit the bong
so thats my tribute to a THC song


You need:
A plastic coke bottle
A small piece of piping – 5/10cm
A socket from a socket set that will fit in the end of the pipe
A knife
Make a hole for the pipe about 1/3 way up bottle and insert pipe so pipe is bending down into the bottle.
Put the socket in the end of the pipe outside the bottle
Make a smaller hole in the bottle above the first hole
Fill bottle with water so that pipe is in water, but water level does not reach the hole.

   Ok. The socket is where you put your mix(tobacco and your crumbled solid) and the second hole acts as an air-hole. When you have filled the socket with your mix, you light the mix and suck through the bottle top while holding your finger over the air-hole.
To clear the bottle, either suck all the smoke out or take your finger off the air-hole and blow the smoke out. So there you have it, a simple bong. 


You need:
A large plastic bottle (a 2 Litre coke bottle or 6 pint milk bottle are ideal)
A plastic bag (Such as an empty bread bag)
A length of string (must be longer than your bottle)
Some sticky tape
A small piece of tinfoil
An elastic band (Small)
A knife or sharp object

Cut the entire bottom off the bottle near its base.
Tape the open end of the plastic bag to the bottom of the bottle using the sticky tape.
Pinch the end of the bag and tie the piece of string to it so that most of it hangs down
Poke tiny holes in the foil with a pin.
Take the top off the bottle and replace with the tin foil - which can be secured with a rubber band but be careful as it rips easly.
Now push the bag all the way into the bottle so that there is as little air as possible actually contained in the bottle. Make sure that you can reach the piece of string inside the bottle.
Place your marijuana on the foil and burn it, whilst simultaneously pulling the string down until the bag is completely outside of the bottle.
The bottle should now be full of marijuana smoke. Remove the foil from the top of the bottle and replace with your mouth. Now push the bag bak into the bottle at the required speed.
   Another variation of this technique is to use water instead of the bag (ie fill a bath or sink up), and when burning the weed slowly pull the bottle out of the water to create the vacuum that pulls the smoke into the bottle, then push the bottle back into the water to force the smoke into your lungs. This is commonly known as a bucket. 

Age: 16Year of birth: 1990Month of birth: 12Day of birth: 17

Gender: male

What do you do?: Something in between

Place of living: United Kingdom-England

Exact place of living: B78 BOY'Z

hip hophousepop

Other interests
beercarscrime stories

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: fit

Height: 180

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