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XxBlackHeartxX (...Trials by fire, setting fire...)

Member #33682 created: 2005-11-17 17:09:02Simple URL:   

Name: Sara


My ferret pwns you!


This is me!

Elfpack titles and orders

[I am:] Quiet
[I hurt:] when I'm alone
[I want:] to be back home
[I hate:] when I am lied to
[I cry:] every night
[I fear:] nothing
[I hope:] He will come back to me
[I feel alone:] all the time
[I waste:] my precious seconds
[I talk:] to myself
[I break:] his bleeding heart
[I watch:] him beg me for love
[I remember:] Loving him
[I sleep with:] his memories
[I hide:] from his hauntings
[I drive:] everyone crazy
[I cut:] through the sorrow
[I breathe:] so I can live
[I miss:] my home sweet home
[I feel:] like being held
[I know:] he still loves me
[I dream:] I could love him back
[I await:] my wonderful death
[I live:] only to die
[I would die:] if the Lord chose me to

001: Name: Sara
002: Nickname:Umm... none?
003: Country of living: U.S. of A.
004: Birthdate: 02.22.1992
005: Height: 5' 4"
006: Eye color: Blue
007: Shoesize: 6
008: School/work: OMS Baybee!
009: You smoke: nope
010: Hobby's: Umm... bordom
011: Brothers/Sisters: 2 wonderful step-brothers
012: Relationship:nope
013: Piercing(s):ears, twice
014: Tattoo(s): not yet
015: Vacationland: Italy, Greece, Wisconsin, West Virginia
016: Are there people you wont reply to? none
017: Nicest person you met this year: Brock
018: Person you rather not have met this year: None
019: Who would you like to meet: -sighs-
020: Who is it that you admire: Jon and Chris
21: Most sexy person(s): Billie Joe Armstrond, of course.
022: Favorite Pyjamas:umm... nothin' but a t-shirt
023: Favorite Car: Uh... I guess a F-150?
024: Favorite Movie(s): The Outlaw Josey Wales, Hidalgo, LotR, PotC
025: Favorite Music: Country, Green Day
026: Favorite City(s): Neenah, Yeah.
027: Favorite Plush : Egg! (my stuffed ferret)
028: Favorite Aftershave: don't wear it though axe...
029: Favorite Magazine: Star or Us
030: Favorite sound: Rain... streams... ok, water.
031: Favorite TV-series: Friends
032: Favorite Writer: Lois Duncan
033: Favorite Nickname: I DON'T HAVE ONE!
034: What is on your mousepad: Green Bay Packers stuff
035: What all is under your bed: carpet?
036: Favorite color: Green
037: Favorite Song ever: Give Me Novacaine, Green Day
038: Favorite song at this moment: Read Above
039: Favourite Food: none... like all food
040: Favorite class at school: Science
041: Favorite drink: Iced Tea
Alcholic substance= Bud Light
None alcoholic= Iced Tea
042: Lucky number: 3
043: What do you think that is greatest about yourself: Personality
044: What perfume do you use: Axe (cologne, i know)
045: Favorite shoes: Vans
046: What time do you go to bed on workdays: Whenever I fall asleep
047: What word do you use most: no
048: Most romantic moment in your life: This guy.. took me out into the woods... and we were all like talking and he... nvm, it's really personal.
049: Most ashamed moment of your life: Umm... I don't know
050: You spend your time rather inside or outside: outside
051: What do you do in the weekends: Sit on the computer and be bored
052: What class on school do/did you dislike most: Gym
053: Your Breakfast: A chocolate protein bar thing...
054: What do you really really dislike to eat: Herring
055: Pets: Ferret, snake, dog, hamsetr, brothers...
056: Laugh or dream: both
057: Serious or funny: both
058: Fast or slow: both
059:Do you prefer being alone or in a relationship: relationship
060: Simple or Complicated: depends...
062: Sex or alcohol: neither, yet...
063: Stay up late or go to bed early: what is this go to bed early you speak of?
064: Light or dark?: dark
065: Speak or Silence: depends
066: Tall or Small chick: umm... neither for me? For guys, i'll take either or.
067: Newspaper: as in? Post Crescent?
068: Hug or kiss: put 'em together
069: Happy or Sad: both
070: Life or Death: we get both, i like both
071: Gig or Disco: neither
072: Left or Right: left, although I am a rightie
073: Sausages on top, or on the side: side?
074: Dark/ Red/ Blonde: any
075: What would you ask god if you could ask him 1 single question: Why?
076: Do you believe in reincarnation: sometimes
077: Do you believe in Aliens?: umm... not really
078: When you die, what will be your last words?: FUCK YOU! (lol!)
079: Does true love exist?: yes
080: How many kids would you like to have?:2 maybe 3
081: What is the thing you cant stand: broken hearts
082: Best feeling: love
083: Worst feeling in the world: hate
084: What are you afraid of: Having ym throat slit, then spiders... sorta
085: Are you an emotional person: i CAN be
086: You cry while watching a movie? yuh, too much
087: Your goal in life: Live, Love, Die
088: What was the promise you made to yourself at new years eve: I don't promise
089: Who is your favorite artist?: Sammi
090: As what animal would you like to reincarnate: ferret
091: What is the most beautiful part on the female body: uh.... i'm a girl so...
092: Most original place to ask your love to marry you: sports game, like on the big screen
093: What do you think of elfpack?:eh...
094: is there something u miss about elfpack: not really
095: Where did you get this question list?: some profile
096: Besides elfpack, what do you do most on your PC: IM mostly on AIM
097: Is there a question you missed in this all?: naw
098: How would yo u like to die? Spontaneus Human Combustion... or with somebody I love nearby
099: How would you not like to die ? somebody slitting my throat... (My biggest fear)

.:These are the 12 signs of falling in love:.
12. You'll read his/her IMS over and over again...
11. You'll walk really really slow while you're with him/her...
10. You'll feel shy whenever you're with him/her...
9. While thinking bout him/her...your heart will beat
faster and faster...
8. By listening to his/her'll smile for no reason.
7. While looking at him/ cant see the other
people around can only see that person...
6. You'll start listening to SLOW songs.
5. He/She becomes all you think about.
4. You'll get high just by their smell...
3. You'll realize that you're always smiling to yourself
when you think about them..
2. You'll do anything for him/her...
1. While reading this, there was one person on your mind the whole time.


.:Fate:. Of Course
.:Ghosts:. Sorta'
.:God:. For Sure
.:Big foot:. Yup
.:Soul mates:. Yes!
.:Aliens:. Nope
.:Angels:. Duh, yeah.
.:Loch ness monster:. Yeah, I actually do.
.:Heaven and hell:. Well... God, Angels, Heaven, and Hell all kinda' go hand in hand.
.:The Zodiac:. To a point
.:Love at first site:. Sorta' Kinda'
.:Karma:. Naw
.:Vampires:. Nope.

-- Name: Sara
-- Nickname: Don't have one
-- Birthdate: 02.22.92
-- Birthplace: Neenah, WI
-- Current location: Kalamazoo
-- Eye Colour: blue
-- Hair color: Blonde  
-- Height: 5' 4"
-- Righty or lefty: Righty. Why is righty on the left?
-- Purpose in life: To live
-- Your heritage: Dutch, German, English, yeah, and tons more
-- The shoes you wore today: umm... what are they called?
-- Your weakness: fear. broken hearts.
-- Your fears: Spiders, heights, yeah.
-- Your perfect pizza: no cheese, onions and mushrooms
-- Goal you'd like to achieve in the future: To be happily married with two children
-- Your most overused phrase: Fuck you!
-- Your thoughts first waking up: Aww, fuck.
-- Your best physical feature: ass
-- Your bedtime: Whenever I fall asleep, I suppose.
-- Your most missed memory: If I'm missing it how do I know what it is?
-- Soda: Squirt
-- Fast food joint: Chicken Coop
-- Single or group dates: Single
-- Adidas or Nike: neither
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Coffee
-- Smoke: No
-- Sing: Yuh
-- Take a shower every day: I try to
-- Have a crush(es): Yes
-- Do you think you've been in love: I know I've been in love
-- Want to go to college: yuppers
-- Like school: Yeah
-- Want to get married: Of Course
-- Belive in yourself: Uh-huh
-- Get motion sickness: Sometimes
-- Think you're attractive: Every now and then
-- Think you're a health freak: NO!
-- Get along with your parents: Yuppers
-- Like thunderstorms: Love 'em
-- Play an instrument: Piano, Recorder, and Guitar
In the past Year...
-- Drank alcohol: I think so...
-- Smoked: No
-- Done a drug: No
-- Had sex: No
-- Made out: Nope
-- Gone on a date: Nope
-- Gone to the mall: Yes
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No
-- Eaten sushi: No
-- Been on stage: Yes, loads of times 
-- Gone skating: nope
-- Made homemade cookies: Yes
-- Gone skinny-dipping: No
-- Dyed your hair: nope
-- Stolen anything: Not technically
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: Naw
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: No
-- Been caught doing something: Nope
-- Been called a tease: no
-- Gotten beaten up: No
-- Shoplifted: No
-- Changed who you were to fit in: NEVER!
-- Age you hope to be married: 22-ish
-- Numbers and names of children: 2-Carson and Rachel (maybe)
-- Describe your dream wedding: I don't care
-- How do you want to die: Spontaneus Human Combustion
-- Where do you want to go to college: UW-Oshkosh
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: Lawyer or Realtor
-- What country would you most like to visit: Italy
In the preferred sex...
-- Best eye color: Green or Gray
-- Best hair color: Any but red
-- Short or long hair: not to short
-- Best height: Don't mind
-- Best weight: Don't mind
-- Best articles of clothing: Hmmm... 
-- Best first date location: Park towards evening
-- Best first kiss location: WHere mine was, in bed, lol
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: None
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: eh, 7-10
-- Number of CDs that I own: Over 70
-- Number of piercings: 2
-- Number of tattoes: None
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: A few
--Number of scars on my body: Umm...
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: Nothing.
-- Number of things in my past that i have not regretted:Everything.
-- Things i would like to do in the the next two months: Achieve my crush's heart.

Age: 14Year of birth: 1992Month of birth: 2Day of birth: 22

Gender: female

What do you do?: Something in between

Place of living: USA-Michigan

Exact place of living: Kalamazoo

Known languages

Elfpack crew wannabe: No


Other interests
chasing the preferred sexcookingdancing
motorcyclespoetryrole playing
watching sportwriting

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: normal

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