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Rosalie_Jade (I see says the blind man to his deaf wife...)
Name: Jackie Robertson
My love and guardian angel [kavik].
Elfpack titles and orders
High School junior just trying to get by. The one person I really know is [
kavik]. He's my love and my guardian angel, and he'll take good care of me... He says "to all the ppl that if they mess with you they mess with me! and they dont want to do that"
I found this off of someone's house... Take it and post it on yours :)
swer them if you'd like:
[1. Who are you?]
[2. Are we friends?]
[3. When and how did we meet?]
[4. Do you have a crush on me?]
[5. Would you kiss me?]
[6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.]
[7. Describe me in one word.]
[8. What was your first impression?]
[9. Do you still think that way about me now?
[10. What reminds you of me?]
[11. If you could give me anything what would it be?]
[12. How well do you know me?]
[13. When's the last time you saw me?]
[14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?]
Go look at my art stuff!!! ..... I've got photos, paintings, some really crappy drawings :P
I had a philisophical moment, read it and tell me what you think-
Sit with me child and tell me what lies on thy mind... Tell me what lies in this world. What lies in the dark and hides from the light? What stays in the light that finds sanctuary from that which hunts it in the shadows? Tell me of that which lies in the shadows for fear of the unknown that could possibly lie in sweet waiting in the light? Tell me, do not those in the dark hide from the light, and those in the light hide from the deep night? Explain this to me when I am gone away and whisper it to me in the wind, for when you join me there in the unearthly breeze, you shall know why the shadows hide from the light.
I also right poems, here read some! Then vote on my poll which one you like best or if they are all crap! :)
If you want me to explain the meanings behind them, note me and I will answer.
-Little Shell-
Strolling down a path
Full of memories to tell
In my mind I see
A spotted little shell.
The picture fills
With golden sand
And the small shell
Sits inside my hand.
The tide rolling in,
My feet at the foam,
The umbrella far
No farther can I roam.
I splash through the waves
Against the moving tide
Water splashed against
My face red and fryed.
The reainbow umbrella
Now I can easily see,
Any my grandmother sitting there
Sipping her cool iced tea.
I called “Grandmother, Grandmother!”
With the shell in my hand,
“Come look what I found,
It was there in the sand!”
-Dreaming Again-
A distant whisper,
A clovered hillside,
Serenly I step
Accross the divide
From a world of hustle
To a world of song,
Listen to the wind
And wait not long
Till all behind
Is swept away,
And see the dawn
Of this new day.
A sweet harvest,
A drop of dew,
Bring calm to life,
Life fresh and new;
A lovely sky
With clouds of white,
Remember this view
This euphoric sight
With daffodils yellow
and tulips of red
A scent of roses
Fills this bed...
Serenly I drift
Back under my sheet,
I rest my head
And curl my feet;
The sun is rising,
The sky a lofty blue.
And next to me
There lies you.
A hopeful wish,
A wonderful thought
yet only in dreams,
I dream a lot.
-Who to Choose-
I love the one
I always knew,
That love was good
And pure and true.
Another came in
And took it all
And made my love
Drop the ball.
I loved him still
And held him near
Yet another friend
Has soon become dear.
I will not cheat
I will not let love fly
Yet another man
I seek close by.
I love love more
Than merely a fling
Yet it glows,
This stupid crush thing.
I asked the Lord,
Let the thoughts pass,
Until the true love
No longer will last.
It passed for a while,
Not long at all,
Yet the crush came back,
My passion did not fall.
I will not cheat,
I will not hint,
And from my love
I will not sprint.
This crush hides behind
My love for my other,
And yet it grows
And soon won’t have cover.
I fear for my descicions.
What path will I take?
Whom will be in
The choice that I make?
-I Will Wait For You-
I will miss you
My dear dear friend,
And I will be here
In the end.
I will wait here
till you come home
And meet you on shores
Of cool white foam.
For your safety
I will pray
That you will make it
Through the day...
I beg you please,
I beg you stay,
I beg you listen
To what I say.
It just may be
Your adventurous fun
All underneath
The bright warm sun.
It just may be
A horrible mistake.
But that is the decision
That you will make.
My friend, my sister,
Please leave me not,
For when you are gone,
Some happiness will rot.
-All Hallows Cabin-
A man and his wife
Strolling on in
Unpacking their things
And a bottle of gin.
Snugly and warm
Cuddling next to the fire
Listening to music,
The song of a lyre.
All seemed too well,
Too perfect and sweet,
But it wasnt too long
Till they heard heavy feet.
Outside their cabin,
On the timber porch,
A creaking they heard;
Now the fire does scortch.
A flare up in the bricks,
Sparks now do fly,
The danger surrounding
Would not pass by.
The Wind did moan,
The ravens did cackle,
The lock on their door
Began to unshackle.
A shadow before them
Now there it stood
All they could see
On its head was a hood.
The hood drew back
Nothing there to be seen
The face was black
The figure was lean.
Boots covered in mud,
Coat dripping and wet,
A scent of warm blood
A drop of cold sweat.
A rope in one hand
In the other a dagger
No longer it did stand
The feet did stagger.
The man threw the bottle
Of gin at the beast
To his neck it did throttle
His air had ceased.
The woman shrieked
The beast wailed
The floor creaked
Her cry failed.
It's jaw snapped
The girl was trapped.
She snatched a coal
To save her soul.
It left a scar
She tossed it far
Upon it's hair
The spark did flare
And then the gin
Did scorch it's skin.
She thought she was done.
She tryed to run.
She grasped the gun.
In the cartridge was none.
The room was blind
To the darkened mind
Of the beast unkind
Standing behind
The wall of flame,
The fire untame
Hiding the shame
Of the moon to blame
For this wretched night.
The girl took flight
Till she saw moon light
Dim from her site
Behind a cloud,
The moon it had shroud
A howl came loud,
Death it vowed.
Soon the sun did rise,
The light pierced her eyes.
Cuts were on her thighs.
She hoped the night were lies.
She let out a scream
When a body in the stream
Burned it did seem
Matched the night's theme.
Was it the creature
Was it the beast
It did match the burns
Of the demon atleast...
Age: 19 | Year of birth: 1989 | Month of birth: 10 | Day of birth: 2 |
Gender: female
What do you do?: Something in between
Place of living: USA-California
Exact place of living: San Fernando Valley
Home-page URL:
alternative | blues | classical |
folk music | jazz | new age |
opera | punk | rock |
Other interests
animals | art | boardgames |
card games | cooking | dogs |
drinks | eating | fantasy |
fashion | film | fishing |
horses | party | plants |
poetry | religion | role playing |
singing | scifi | sewing |
shopping | sporting | theatre |
writing |
Civil status: involved
Sexual preference: opposite sex
Body shape: plump
Height: 163