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wckdlytwstd9 (new pics....take my poll)

Member #38821 created: 2006-01-25 21:14:21Simple URL:   

Name: Shannon


Me at Stacys grad party hanging at the swings wit Mickey Steph n Stacy in Mickeys hat


my baby mickey

Elfpack titles and orders
AdventurerCrazy kid

blonde hair blue eyes 5'2 107-110 lbs glasses

[kyraawr][is customizing her shannerz page!! becuz wicked clowns stick togedder!!!]

i luffer u shanners!

I [L]u[F]f[E]r[S] mi amigos
         [tweeek tweek]
         [WcKdLyPsYcHo (check out the poll!!)]

[W.C.C] dats the ppl i roll wit dats the ppl i love n cherish. There's others like [Tidus, Ky, Chrissy, Robbie, ect.] that i love to death. I would give my life for them [if ne one has a prob wit me or them u better count on going through all of us not just one of us.]

[downboy] wit [the] clowns [tilly] I'm [DEAD] in [the] ground!!

Sometimes .a.l.l. a girl n*e*e*d*s is for a boy to [h]o[l]d her hand♥

.:♥Baby your ::AmAzInG:: and [n/o/t/h/i/n/g] short of it♥:.

He's the ->Only<- one who
leaves me [C]o[M]p[L]e[T]e[L]y

.*Its the .w.a.y. he makes me [L.a.U.g.H] when I don't even want to [s]m[i]l[e]*.

Don't kid YoUrSeLf... the boy [l.o.v.e.s] you in a way he's not .r.e.a.d.y. to deal with.

Your NoTt [E].l.[e].[c].t.[r].i.[c] but YouR vIbRaToR is♥

SpeeD buMpS BoUnCy B.[o].U.[n].C.[y] Sex is [♥FuNNeR♥] in a [C] /a/ [R]♥

I want to be
*[e]v[e]r[y]t[h]i[n]g you need*
.:every [.sight.] you see:.
making you go ::c r a z y::
slightly YoUr disease<
a [] L 0 V E [] without a c/u/r/e
no /uncertanties/ for sure
the cLoSeSt thing to [a.l.c.o.h.o.l]
that [calls] you back for more

You always gotta have th♥se
FrIeNdS, when y0u can do the
[s]t[u]p[i]d[e]s[t] things and just L.a.U.g.H
about it together♥

[BeSt♥FrIeNdS] are [t]o[t]a[l]l[y] aware of what a []LoSeR[] you are and still MaNaGe to be seen with *y*O*u*

Our [L]a[U]g[H]s --» [LiMiTLeSs]♥
Our m[E]m[O]r[I]e[S]s --» [CoUnTLeSs♥]
Our [F]r[I]e[N]d[S]h[I]p --» [Wings of a Butterfly]♥

My gIrLiEs
[T]h[i]e[r] B/e/A/u/T/i/F/u/L♥
ThEiR pErSoNaLiTiEs?
Our TiMeS together?
sMiLeS sO *m.E.m.O.r.A.b.L.e*
TheiR f*r*i*e*n*d*s*h*i*p

.:It's f.u.n.n.y when [P]e[O]p[L]e say:.
♥"I dOnT tHiNk ShE lIkEs Me"♥
Hunny... if I don't L/i/K/e Y.o.u
yOu'Re go0oing to k\n\o\w aBoUt it*

♥We'Re no0ot perfect::. we L.aUg.H to [h\A/r\D]
We're WaY!!! to loud && we make CoMpLeTe ♥[f]o[o]l[s]♥
of o.U.r.S.e.L.v.E.s, but d♥ing It t:o:g:e:t:h:e:r is what makes us [*B*e*S*t*F*r*I*e*N*d*S* F-o-r-e-v-e-r♥]

let's go down to the .Be.A.cH.
bring your [S]t[E]r[E]o & [f.a.v.o.r.i.t.e] cds.
we'll bring our g♥u♥i♥t♥a♥r♥s, sit on top of our cars
& sing tHe night .::AwAy::. like R/O/C/K/S/T/A/R/S

Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: Moderate
Schizoid: Moderate
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Very High
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: Low
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: High

URL of the test:
URL for more info:

[ill add more anudder day]

mii wiki

Age: 16Year of birth: 1989Month of birth: 11Day of birth: 10

Gender: female

What do you do?: Studying

Place of living: USA-New York

Exact place of living: buffalo

Known languages

Favorite URL:

alternativegothheavy metal
hip hoppunkrock

Other interests
bookscatschasing the preferred sex
crime storiesdogselectronics
filmpartyrole playing

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: both sexes

Body shape: normal

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