I'm just strange... you'll get to know me as I get to know you cuz I'm too lazy to type it all in right now...XD but I'd have to say that the best quote that describes me is: "People think that I'm normal... then I start to talk..." XD XD oh and... my favie color est black and bright colors BURN!! XD lol.
Black, Darkness, VAMPIRES!! My friend's humans comic (check it out at, the manga "From Far Away",some webdesign... gothic/ punk guys and girls...YAOI! and yuri... Harry potter, Star Wars (ya... I'm a geek...XP)... BLOOD!! *looks evilly at her overweight bitch of a mother* must... resist... urge to... meh...her blood wouldn't taste good anyways... anyhoo...I also like closets and dark corners...oh and...I like reading... please don't kill me? lol.
ONLINE PERVS!!! Bright colors and people with sugar highs. Moving dolls *shudders* they freak me out. Stories about professor snape's love life (dude... people say I'm his DAUGHTER..k? just eww.)... and... lots of other stuff that I'll get to eventually like my mother...XP
If you had me alone, locked up in your room for 24 hours, and I had to do whatever you wanted me to do, what would you do with me? Post this in your house. You might be surprised at the answers you get
Favorite Music:
ROB ZOMBIE!!!!!!!!
!! and White Zombie Ender's pretty cool too (preppy though) Job for a Cowboy...Five for Fighting(once again, somewhat preppy... but still extremely awesome)...Greenday (some songs)...Linkin Park (some songs) and other shtuffers...