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I am at the age of 15, wish I was 21!
I can be outgoing and crazy but I have depressed moments.
I love to talk! But Call me emo and you're dead to me.
I hate when people label, its uncalled for!
I am one of the most perverted chicks you'll ever talk to.
I may not be perfect, but I do kick ass.
I'm not the brightest crayon in the box.
I've been told I have a great personality.
I'm very random and love to entertain if I'm in the mood.
I suck at writing things. If I don't know what to say,
I'll more than likely talk about peanut butter.
I love those little zombie animals, so neat!
I'm a pescetarian, I don't eat meat!
I love meeting new people, send a message
or some shit and I'll be happy.
Au revoir <3.
Peanut butter.