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MyDogAteIt (Life, Love and Love, It all Sucks!!)

Member #26008 created: 2005-08-10 17:04:32Simple URL:   

Name: Heather but call me Sis


This is one of my glamour shots taken in August 2004


This Is My Little Bro.. (Spike14)
Dont Mess with Him..

Elfpack titles and orders
Crazy kid


July 9, 1987- June 1, 2005
A good friend died of mine. We werent close but we were good friends.

LANESVILLE ROLLINS, MALLORY CORRINE 17, died Wednesday from injuries she received in an automobile accident on Highway 62 near Corydon, IN. She was a senior at Lanesville High School and an employee of Subway at Highlander Point. Survivors include her parents, William and Sandra Rollins; two brothers, Luke and Willy Rollins; her grandparents, Laura Hazelton, Jack and Sharon Rollins and Helen Rollins; and aunts and uncles, Kathleen and Terrence Witt, Edward Hazelton and Michael Rollins. Her funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Monday at Gehlbach & Royse Funeral Home in Corydon, with burial in St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery in Lanesville. Visitation will be from 4-8 p.m. Saturday, 1-8 p.m. Sunday and after 9 a.m. Monday at the funeral home.

(My Letter to You)
You've come and passed,
god said you have to leave,
but does he really know,
how much he made me grieve?
I pray late at night,
to help me understand,
why does he get,
every small and large demand?
A man died for you and me,
and death is the price,
Jesus Christ is his name,
I bet he's really nice.
I'll soon find out all about,
when it's time for me to leave,
bu just for now,
his holy spirit i'll recieve.

Written by: Me

I have many Debts to pay,
and Many words to say,
I know our lives have part,
but your always in my heart.

written by Me

"With Out You"
Alone and afraid,
cant find my way,
with out you to blind to see,
im lost and not free,
without your love in my heart,
i cannot live or even start,
with out you I would crawl,
like time in a day,
I know I'd fade away,
with out you love wouldnt be,
there'd be nothing to believe,
To live there would be no need
without you takes the biggest part of me.

Written By Me!

"Before My Heart Dies"
your Love has taken over my senses,
and breaking my heart,
so many shadows falling all around me,
no light, all darkness tearing me apart.
Tears have fallen,
like dusk to dawn,
no peace no longer,
freedom has gone.
Come and hold me,
take me away,
come mold me this,
lord I pray.
I need you here,
by my side,
Your love is needed,
before m heart dies.

Im a good girl, but not so good. I dont smoke, or do drugs. Im 16 years old and im a sophmore in high school. My favorite color is lime green.

[Facts Guys should know about girls]

[---when a girl is quiet
millions of things are running through her mind

[---When a girl is not arguing
she is thinking deeply

[---When a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions,
she is wondering how long you'll be around

[---When a girl answers "I'm fine" after a few seconds
she is not fine at all

[---When a girl stares at you
she is wondering why you are lying

[---When a girl lays on your chest
she is wishing for you to be hers forever

[---When a girl calls you everyday
she is seeking your atention

[---When a girl says "I love you"
she means it

[---When a girl says that she can't live without you
She has made up her mind that you are her future

[---When a girl says "I miss you"
No one in this world can miss you more than that

[---When a girl says No
She means no

This is me all over! OI hope I hope that's not bad but Im being honest!

Favorite Movie: American History X
Favorite Place to be: Anywhere my parents are not.
Favorite card game: Magic the Gathering
Favorite T.V show: O.C, Lost, Buffy The Vampire Slayer.
Favorite Book: Dont really like to read. Im not good at it.
Favorite Class Subject: I hate school
Favorite Hobbies: VolleyBall, Track, PS2, writing poetry, singing, and talking on the phone.
Perfect age I would like to be: 25 years Old.
why?: Because it's middle aged and legal!

Here I a few Random Bible Verses that I have chosen that I really like.
-John 11:25-26
He who believes in me will live, even though he dies and who ever lives and believes in me will never die.
-Acts 16:31
Believe in the lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your husband.
-John 11:40 If you believe, you would see the glory of the lord.
-Luke 21:34-36
Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with dissipation, drunkness, and the anxities of life and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap. For it will come upon the whole earth. Be always on the watch and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happend and that you may be able to stand before the son of man.

This next verse [Senior Cheif Beal] from NJROTC gave this to me when I was feeling anxiety.

-Phillipians 4:6-7
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and humble request with thanksgiving, let your request be made and known to god.
And the Peace of God which surpasses all understanding will gaurd youyr hearts and minds thorugh Jesus.

I can here him now!! "That's 20.... dont ever right my name in pink!"

My favorite words from ["Senior Cheif"]
"COOPER THATS 70, Nobody uses The C-rap and the F word in my class"
"Damn" I mumbled to my self
"Thats another 20" he replied


A girl and guy were speeding, on a motorcycle, over 90 mph on the road..

Girl: Slow down. I’m scared.
Guy: No, this is fun.
Girl: No, it’s not. Please, it’s too scary!
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl: Fine, I love you. Slow down!
Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.
*Girl hugs him*
Guy: Can you take my helmet off & put it on yourself? It’s bugging me.

(In the paper the next day)
A motorcycle crashed into a building because of break failure. Two people were on it, but only one survived.

The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his breaks broke, but he didn’t want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him & felt her hug one last time, then had her wear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that he would die.

..*..If you love someone this much put this on your site..*..

Poems That I havent Wrote, That I love!

(No title)

Let me be the bandage for your bleeding;
Let me be the ocean for your tears.
Let me be the secret of your healing;
Let me be the song to still your fears.
Love isn't love that cannot love in darkness,
Nor is it love that turns away from pain;
Nor would I love would I not hold your sadness
And with my love your love of life sustain.

So do not think your malady a burden,
And do not think my willingness deceit.
Just let your sorrow flow into my garden,
And I will share with you the harvest sweet.

(The vows I take will be forever)

The vows I take will be forever:
I'll love you all my life.
There's no part way, no holding back
Once we are man and wife.
The choice is made, and now I swim
In a far different sea,
The shores of which are bright green hills
Raised up for you and me.

Our love is like a mountainside
Awash in lovely flowers:
It is our home, our solid rock,
Where all bright things are ours.

And though of need we often must
Spend our days apart,
Our love will always be with us,
Held within the heart.

I feel it now, so strong and free,
So part of every breath
That it must live--I swear it will!--
Even after death.

(Good Lord, where are You)

"Good Lord, where are You?
If You really do exist,
why don't You come out of hiding and
do something about this creature in distress?

I am physically weary, I am mentally depressed,
I am spiritually defeated.
I can't eat, can't sleep.
I am like garbage,
discarded refuse in the back alley;
like yesterday's newspaper
shuffled around by the wind.
I feel like some sort of zombi,
some non-entity,
some nothing that people,
if they acknowledge,
would only curse.

But the prophets have declared Your mercy.
You do reign over our world, they say
You do show concern
for the poor clods of this earth.
Good Lord, prove it!
Look down from wherever You are
on Your creatures wallowing in wretchedness.
Deliver us, O God, set us free!

For your years have no end,
nor do the destinies of those who trust in You."

Leslie Brandt.

Life Is A Prison
by Puff

Life is a prison,
Oh God let me out.
No one to listen,
To hear when you shout.

Climb the walls of insanity,
Ride the waves of despair.
If you fall it don't matter,
There's no one to care.

Used to wish for a window,
To see birds, trees and sky,
But you're better without one -
Stops you aiming too high.

Watching freedom is painful,
For those locked away.
Seeing joy, love and happiness,
Another price that you pay.

Strong is good, weak is bad.
Be it false, be it true.
Your mind makes the choice,
And enforces it too.

Cell walls built by society,
With rules to adhere.
If you breach the acceptable,
You had better beware.

Hide the pain, carry on,
Routine is the key.
Don't let on that you're not,
What you're pretending to be.

Lock it all up inside you,
How badly that bodes.
Look out for that one day,
When it all just explodes.

Leaving naught but a shell,
Base functionality too.
But killing all else,
That was uniquely you.

So how do you grow,
With a timebomb inside?
Or how to defuse it,
Without destroying its ride?

You can't.


I Love This Song.

Rage Against The Machine
"Killing In The Name"

Killing In The Name Of
some Of Those That Were Forces Are The Same That Burn Crosses
some Of Those That Were Forces Are The Same That Burn Crosses
some Of Those That Were Forces Are The Same That Burn Crosses
some Of Those That Were Forces Are The Same That Burn Crosses

killing In The Name Of
killing In The Name Of

and Now You Do What They Told Ya (11 Times)
but Now You Do What They Told Ya
well Now You Do What They Told Ya

those Who Died Are Justified, For Wearing The Badge, They're The Chosen Whites
you Justify Those That Died By Wearing The Badge, They're The Chosen Whites
those Who Died Are Justified, For Wearing The Badge, They're The Chosen Whites
you Justify Those That Died By Wearing The Badge, They're The Chosen Whites

some Of Those That Were Forces Are The Same That Bore Crosses
some Of Those That Were Forces Are The Same That Bore Crosses
some Of Those That Were Forces Are The Same That Bore Crosses
some Of Those That Were Forces Are The Same That Bore Crosses

killing In The Name Of
killing In The Name Of

and Now You Do What They Told Ya (4 Times)
and Now You Do What They Told Ya, Now You're Under Control (7 Times)
and Now You Do What They Told Ya!

those Who Died Are Justified, For Wearing The Badge, They're The Chosen Whites
you Justify Those That Died By Wearing The Badge, They're The Chosen Whites
those Who Died Are Justified, For Wearing The Badge, They're The Chosen Whites
you Justify Those That Died By Wearing The Badge, They're The Chosen Whites
come On!

(guitar Solo)

fuck You, I Won't Do What You Tell Me (8 Times)
fuck You, I Won't Do What You Tell Me! (8 Times)

Age: 17Year of birth: 1988Month of birth: 9Day of birth: 12

Gender: female

What do you do?: Something in between

Place of living: USA-Indiana

Exact place of living: The darkside.. where else?

Known languages
Sign LanguageEnglishFrench

Favorite URL:

Elfpack crew wannabe: Yes

alternativegothheavy metal
progressive metalpunkreggae

Other interests
card gamescarschasing the preferred sex
chesscookingcrime stories
religionrole playingsinging
sewingslackingsnow scooters
travellingwatching sportwhisky

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: plump

Height: 165

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