Page name: Улицы Москвы rp zone [Exported view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2011-06-06 12:07:42
Last author: Cerulean Sins
Owner: Cerulean Sins
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The Russian Watches
Улицы Москвы aka Streets of Moscow

<img400*0:stuff/Kotelincheskaya_Naberezhnaja_Moscow_hires.jpg>The Night Watch HQ

<img:stuff/moos-martin-people-outside-st-basil-s-cathedral-moscow-russia.jpg> St Basil's Cathedral

<img:stuff/moscow_kremlin.jpg>The Day Watch HQ

<img400*0:stuff/Moscow-Metro-Train.jpg>Moscow Metro Station

<img400*0:stuff/Red_Square%2c_Moscow%2c_Russia.jpg>Moscow Red Square

<img:stuff/moscow_hotel_001p.jpg>Inquisition HQ

The Other World info <--- Information on Other

The Russian Night Watch Characters<---- Good guys

The Russian Day Watch Characters <---- Bad guys

The Russian Inquisition Characters<---- Neutral Guys

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2011-06-30 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha raised a brow and chuckled softly, shaking her head a little. She went back to eating.

Bear flinched a little, then smiled a little,"I'm sorry..?"

2011-06-30 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat smiled a little and he went back to eating."So how long have you been in that Hospital?"

Yulia held her arms out."Cuddles to make me feel better or I will start crying."

2011-07-03 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Well..." Zasha frowned a little,"I was permanetly admitted into the hospital, I think I was eight maybe younger, maybe older?" She shrugged a little and sighed, "Parents stopped visiting a few years after..." She of course, had no idea they were dead...

Bear pulled her into one of his famous hugs

2011-07-04 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat nodded."Sorry that must suck."

"Yay cuddles."Yulia giggled as she cuddled him.

2011-07-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha nodded a little,"It's not so bad when it's all you know.."

Bear chuckled, cuddling back.

2011-07-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat nodded."True. But you do know that you have a new life now, right?"

"Your comfy. I wish you where a pillow or a bed or a sofa just so I could fall asleep."Yulia chuckled.

2011-07-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha frowned a little, looking at her food, "I keep on thinking I'm going to wake up any minute now.."

Bear chuckled softly,"Well, if I shifted I could be."

2011-07-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat put his food on the coffee table."Zasha, your not dreaming. This is all real. But I know it's going to be hard to adjust to this new life but I'll be here for you, helping you every step of the way."He smiled.

Yulia grinned up at him then she shook her head."Don't tempt me, Mister!" She giggled and pulled back.

2011-07-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha looked up at him, guarded suspicion in her eyes,"Why do you want to help me?"

Bear chuckled softly and walked to the door, opening it for her.

2011-07-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat sighed and leaned back on his chair."My boss asked me to find you before the Day Watch did. If your good then your on the Night Watches side, my side....but if your evil then you belong to the Day Watch. But even if you belong with the day Watch I'll still hang with you and look out for you."

"Such a gentleman."Yulia smiled at Bear as she walked through the door way.

2011-07-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha frowned a little, "I don't think I'm evil...."

Bear chuckled softly. "My mother would have my head if I wasn't"

2011-07-05 [Cerulean Sins]: "Personal I don't think your evil either. But did you know that, Light Others translating more accurately to "Selfless" than "Good", believe it is their duty to help the weak and the helpless.Light Others often have little choice in their actions, forced to act for the sake of greater good.They cannot lie outright, although they can conceal information and manipulate the truth.Light Others also have a kind of "fail-safe" mechanism: if a Light Other cannot justify his actions to himself, he instantly disappears, banished forever in the Gloom. Dark Others translating more accurately to "Selfish" than "Evil" believe they should be allowed to do whatever they like, regardless of morality and ethics."

Yulia nodded."So true but your mum dose make the best cookies I have ever tastes." She smiled.

2011-07-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha frowned a little,"Then I don't know.. I really want to sit down and see what happened to all of my favorite shows...and just eat and eat... But that's selfish isn't it?"

Bear nodded,"Yes, yes she does..."

2011-07-05 [Cerulean Sins]: "No. I do that when I'm not in the office working or out on some job."Ingat said.

Yulia snapped her fingers."Remind me to give your mum the tupperware box she gave me last week." Bear's mum had given Yulia a tupperware box filled with different kinds of treats.

2011-07-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha nodded a little and frowned, trying to think weather she was selfish or not..

Bear opened his mouth to remind her right then and there to be sarcastic but thought better of it.

2011-07-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat picked up his food and started to eat again.

Yulia walked to Boris's office, she knocked on the door.

"Come in."Boris called, not looking up from his paper work.

2011-07-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha went back to eating.

Bear walked with her, opening the door when Boris answere

2011-07-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat sipped his pop."So once we've finished our food, I'll let you meet my boss."

Yulia walked into Boris's office."Hey Boss-man. The vamp is nothing but ash."She smiled.

2011-07-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Zasha smiled a little and nodded, "Alright."

Bear smiled a little, "Yup."

2011-07-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Ingat nodded with a smile.

Boris looked up from his paperwork."Good. How did it go?"

2012-06-26 [Cerulean Sins]:

Night has fallen over Moscow, people are out partying since it is Friday night. The darkness of night is when the light onces of the Night Watch come out to protect people with in the treaty of the Light and Dark. What shall this night hold for the Watches??

Boris Ignatievich was in his office looking at a chess board, he couldn't help but wonder what move Zabulon will make next. He took out a cigar from his jacket pocket and lit it up and he brushed the ash off his suit as he reads over report from his employees.

Ignat Alexandrov was chatting to one of the analytical girls, he was a natural flirt mostly because that he is an Incubus. He was wearing dark jeans, tight black t-shirt and leather jacket.

Yulia Petrova had been stuck in traffic in down town Moscow, which annoyed her to no end. She managed to get to the Night HQ, find a parking space. Once she did she started running up the ton of stairs to the top floor. She was scared inclosed spaces which is why she took the stairs. She was wearing dark skinny jeans, army boots with heels on them, white tank top and her silver necklace around her neck. She had her winter jacket over her arm along with her handbag. She panted heavily once she got to the top floor."Bloody stairs..."She muttered in Russian

Arina Oksana Belikov was at the Day Watch HQ. She was wearing a short black silk dress that clung to her body like it had been painted on, making her pale skin look even more paler. Since her boss hardly did anything at the Day Watch HQ she was busy signing off reports while checking her emails and sending out assignments.

Galina Rogova was at the Inquisition HQ , she had just came back from the Inquisition in England. She was glad to be home in Beauitful Russia. She walked into her office to check her e-mails and messages.

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