Page name: Asylum: Wolf's Creek [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-05-06 02:53:04
Last author: wolvie
Owner: Ritsuka-Kun
# of watchers: 6
D20: 17
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Username: [Ritsuka-Kun]
Character Name: Misa Nakori
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Race: Human
Affiliation: None
Secret/Fear: She fears her father
History: Starting when she was a little girl about age 7 her father began to abuse her both physically and sexually. 14 yrs later she still lives with the man in fear for her own life. Her father has been known to whore her out to strangers for money for his drug/alcohol addiction. She's has 3 kids from the traumatizing event, but in her mind her father is doing no wrong and wont admit of what he's doing. She blames what happens to her on herself thinking that if she hadnt been a bad girl this wouldnt be happening and that this is the only way her father will love her so she makes up excuse after excuse of why she has bruising and 3 kids with no fathers the whole town thinks she just a common whore.
Other Info: none that i know of
Her 3 kids: Tara Age 7 <img:stuff/aj/49600/babyone.jpg>
Bryce Age 2 <img:stuff/aj/49600/babytwo.jpg>
Sammy 10 months <img:stuff/aj/49600/babythree.jpg>

Username: [Ritsuka-Kun]
Character Name: Gackt Camui
Age: somewhere over 800 yrs old
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Race: Vampire
Affiliation: None
Secret/Fear: Leader of a malicious vampire clan that are essentially assassins for hire killing anyone mercilessly
History: He joined the clan as a lower level vampire quickly rising to the top by assassinating those in his ways. After years and years of killing coldly its become a job for him. He justifies the deaths by saying that those whom he is killing deserves it for some one reason or another that they have a secret to hide. He's adopted the idea of the gylthien's to justify himself. Though it kills him inside to know what he's doing but he cant let anyone know now of what he is in fear that his own life would be sacrificed.
Other Info: [sssshhh for the funny-ness of it XD] He has a boyfriend, Logan [no its not the logan you're thinking of >.>] whom doesnt approve of what he does but understands the rules of Gackt's clan and why he does what he does. [x3]

Username: [Ritsuka-Kun]
Character Name: Sachi Yukio
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Race: Demon
Affiliation: Gylthiens
Secret/Fear: doesnt have one for she is part of the gylthiens
History: She doesnt have one she's been awoken after years of sleep to help the glythiens
Other Info: none that i know of

Username: [wolvie]
Character Name: Frank Banister (i'll come up with a different second character in a min or two :D i know i use frank alot sorry i suck at coming up with my own original people)
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Race: Human
Affiliation: none
Secret/Fear: he fears fire
History: He was on a business vacation two years ago when a drunk threw a lit cigarette butt at his house, everything was burned, his wife, two kids, and pets were all burned to death. Frank believes that it was his fault and that if he would have been home he could have saved them. (will come up with more stuff laters :D)
Other Info: nothin :D

Character Name: Logan
Age: Unknown
Sexuality: Bi
Affiliation: None
Secret/Fear: he fears experimentation and doctor's in general
History (comin when I'm not lazy :D)
Other Info: Mutant (ya'll know his powers :D)
pic to be here eventually :D

Character Name:Lucc
 Race:Unknowen to himself.
 Secret/Fear:He fears the truth being know. His secrets are that he has kill over more than 50 people.
 History:He has had a hard life. Ever since he was 16 everything has went down hill on him. He does what he need to survise. He regets killing but things just happen, but he mosty kills when his alter side kicks in. He cant control when his bad side takes over.
Character Name:Sam
 Secret/Fear:Afarid people will turn from her for what she is. She has stolen many priceless things.
 History:She has moved from town to town. She has lost her parents in a bad car accident. She went to live her grandma at age 10 but at age 17 her grandma passed and she had no one but herself
Animal form--><img:><-Human form

Username: [Tis gone but never gone]
Character Name: Maggie McKay
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Race: Vampire
Affiliation: Unknown
Secret/Fear: She is scared that her family will find out that she is gay.
History: She lived in Scotland with her mother and father until her father got a job in the USA and so they moved. She a student at college studying dance in the arts.
Other Info: She dresses like a slut XD She smokes and drinks too cause she is a party animal XD

Username: [GlassCasket]
Character Name: Hotsuma Oboro
Age: Unknown Formed when lightning and thunder came into existance
Gender: Male figure of a demon
Sexuality: Straight
Race: Lightning Demon
Affiliation: Loosely affiliated with the Gylthiens, he will help them sometimes but not always.
Secret/Fear: He is the leader of an underground ninja clan called The Blitz. They aren't known to common people but to all underlings and creatons as well as some corrupted officials, their name is most common. His abilities are amazing and unbearable.He has no fear for the Gylthiens took them from him.
 History: He was the son of Thunder and Lightning when their forms were thrust together in the foundation of Earth. The formless void became an active explosive trust of lightning and thunder. Shocks and Shockwaves were thrown about randomly until he tamed them within himself.
 Other Info: Uses a demonically empowered sword, Akujiki. It is filled with Cleopatra, the demon of greed and lust. It can absorb the life essence of any being that can exist in the physical of spiritual realm. It is also imbued with the essence of lightning itself causing massive lightning damage and control. He also uses a gauntlet called Tarkijiki Imbued with the spirit of Thunder. It has the ability to throw sonic booms and destroy matter instantaneously.

back to asylum

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2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiles back "yea ya do"

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Frank smiles then gets to work getting beds ready

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiles back "do you need help with that?"

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Frank, "Only if you want to"

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa nods then starts helping him.

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Frank smiles, "Thank you"

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiles back "welcome"

Sammy starts crying.

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Frank jumps then goes and picks up Sammy, "Hey you"

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Sammy keeps crying.

Misa goes through the diaper bag getting out a bottle she hums softly makin sammy a bottle "here ya go"

2010-05-07 [wolvie]: Frank smiles, taking the bottle then feeding him

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Sammy giggles as he feeds

Misa smiles back he's great with kids

2010-05-07 [GlassCasket]: Hotsuma sighed, "I am going to go assemble the Blitz." He said, "I am getting bored sitting around here. I think i might lead an assault on Gackt's little group." He said standing up.

2010-05-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Sachi nods smiling "good good"

2010-05-07 [GlassCasket]: Hotsuma disappeared in a flash of lightning and thunder. He appeared at the top of a big podium in the Blitz's base, "GATHER!" He yelled his voice echoed through the entire base and all of the Blitz ninjas gathered before him, "Tonight!" His voice boomed like thunder, "We attack the clan of assassins ran by Gackt Camui!" He said, "Gather yourselves and your weapons! Meet in the barracks for the assault in 5 minutes!" He yelled out among the crowd.

2010-08-10 [wolvie]: [mew? xD]

2010-08-10 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [epic XD]

2010-08-10 [wolvie]: [why thank you :D]

2010-08-10 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [you ish welcome :D]

2010-08-10 [GlassCasket]: [Penguin]

2010-08-10 [wolvie]: [WHERE!!!!]

2010-08-10 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [lol XD]

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