Page name: Catholic Vocations [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-02-24 01:19:58
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  ~Hullo and Welcome to the Catholic Vocations Page!~

  My name is [Tesa] and I asked [Lioness123] if I could make a Vocation’s page on the Roman Catholics United Wiki!! Roman Catholics United is a great place, but I really wanted a Vocation page where young people with Vocations can talk and discuss the hard and wonderful parts of a Vocation!! (All Ages welcome!)
<img:> (A Dominican Sister of Mary Mother of the Eucharist in Prayer)
  More info on this order in Catholic Vocation Websites!!

  Now, let me say one thing before I go on. That EVERY one has a Vocation. We all have 2. The first is to become Holy, and to become Holy is hard enough job as it is. Then, our second Vocation is what God has called us to be in his Holy Church. Married lay persons, the Single life, Consecrated life, Holy Priesthood and the Religious life. (By the way… also have Religious Orders, so I mean both sisters and brothers^^)
   Every one who thinks they have a Vocation freaks. Let me say that clearly, FREAKS OUT….cause I know I did when the thought entered my mind. And then, I read in a Knights of Columbus magazine, a Priest who was answering the freaked out letter of a young man who KNEW he was to be a priest. His answer went something like this….
   “Vocations can be scary, but remember if God calls you, he wants you. He’ll never give up on you, but he will never push you. If you’re worried about being lonely, sad and hating you’re Vocation, worry no more! If God has called you to be a Priest or a Religious Sister, don’t worry! It’s what you were meant to do. And since our God does not want us to be horrible unhappy and depressed he calls us to things we would be happy doing. YES! God wants you to be happy. And if that is what you’re called to do, you will be happy doing so. God loves you very much, and he wants you happy. Thus the Catechism of the Catholic Church said, ‘Why did God make us?; to be happy with him for ever in Heaven.’”

  If you need any help with Vocation issues, crazy questions, or just to chat about it, you can contact me! ([Tesa]) I am here almost all the time and since I am very much praying and discerning my possible Vocation to the Religious Life, I know how you feel! ^o^
  Also, a big part of Discerning is speaking with God. (And receiving the Sacraments VERY frequently...) How do we do that? By frequent times of prayers through out the day. It doesn’t have to be sweating, on your knees ready to die praying. Sitting down some where’s and just saying a decade of the Rosary or of the Mercy Chaplet. A Gospel reading, a chapter from Scripture… Praying. We must pray. It is our way to speak with God directly. We can also say Vocation Prayers! Those are fun and I have posted one that the Holy Father wrote last year! THEN! Something NO ONE CAN FORGET! Silence. Silence is much needed so you can hear God speak to you. It’s like….ok, say prayer is talking on the phone to your BEST FRIEND. And….well, after you talk for a while, your friend needs to reply, you have to stop talking in order for him to do that. SO! Prayer, Silence, going Mass more often (Confession as well) and some time in front of the Most Blessed Sacrament, and you just made one big step-er-ama! Peace be with you and you’re in my prayers!! ^o^
  In Christ,


  ~This vocation prayer was written by our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II in 2004.~

  World Day for Vocations 2004
Merciful and holy Lord, continue to send new laborers into the harvest of your Kingdom!

We turn to you, Lord, in trust!
Son of God,
sent by the Father to the
men and women of every time and of
every part of the earth!

We call upon you through Mary,
your Mother and ours:
may the Church not
lack in vocations,
especially those dedicated in a
special way to your Kingdom.
Jesus, only Savior of mankind!
We pray to you for our
brothers and sisters who have
answered "yes" to your
call to the priesthood,
to the consecrated life and
to the missions.

May their lives be renewed day by
day, to become a living Gospel.
Merciful and holy Lord,
continue to send new laborers
into the harvest of your Kingdom!

Assist those whom you call
to follow you in our day;
contemplating your face,
may they respond with joy
to the wondrous mission
that you entrust to them
for the good of your People
and of all men and women.

You who are God and live and reign
with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
for ever and ever.

Go to Catholic Vocation Websites for some good sites!!!

ALSO! Go to Truths for STRONG Solid beliefs.

(Go Back to Roman Catholics United

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2005-01-18 [Tesa]: Yay!! The Vocation Page is up!! *woot*

2005-01-18 [Lioness123]: yay! :)

2005-04-09 [The Skeleton In Your Closet]: i disowned my religion years me regain my faith

2005-04-10 [Lioness123]: why do you say you disowned your faith?

2005-04-21 [Quo Vadis]: Nice page [Tesa]!!!!!! I love it!!

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