Page name: Dark Chronicals Main Villains [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-08-04 20:26:53
Last author: Sonya Blue
Owner: HeAVenShallBuRN
# of watchers: 2
Fans: 0
D20: 15
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Screen Name: [HeAVenShallBuRN]
Name: Abaddōn
Age: 3,000
Race: Unknown
Alligence: Commander of the Black Army
Weapon: Claws, Tail, Sword, Shield
Powers: Dark Summoning, Mage, Arcane Rainfall [Very very dangerous ability], Shape shifting, lots of things that go BOOM and destroy!
Personallity: The bane of all evil...
History: Far too long

True form: <img:>

Hidden Form [No one knows who he truly is!]

Screen Name: [Tis gone but never gone]
Name: Yvette
Age: 3,400
Race: Demon
Weapon: Claws,fangs, sai's, whip and dagger
Powers: Mind control, super strenght and speed, highend sences.
Personallity: Sadistic, cold and heartless (at times).Vain, brutal, ambitious, loyal, athletic, single-minded, boastful, frustrated.Yvette loves seducing men. She toys with them until they are no longer any fun. Then she discards them as quickly as she got them. She is a persistent person who always gets what – and who – she wants.
History: Before Yvette joined up with Abaddōn, she was a female assassin, she would marry rich men then kill them a month after they got married then she would just disppear with the money that her late husbands left her. She was known as the deathly angel of France. But her rep got so bad and evil that is when Abaddōn asked her to join him.

Screen Name: [Sonya Blue]
Age: 20
Race:Demon/Black mage
Powers:Black magic
Personality:Quiet, and reserved, not outspoken

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