Page name: Dirty Little Secret: Commonfolk [Exported view] [RSS]
2011-06-26 03:22:13
Last author: Silverline
Owner: Ritsuka-Kun
# of watchers: 4
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Dirty Little Secret

Common Folk

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Username: [Ritsuka-Kun]
Name: Mika Quincy
Age: 24
Race: human
Sexuality: straight
Personality: she's bubbly and outgoing and she wants to clean up the city make it a safer place for all
History: She's recently moved to the city. She lives in the suburbs of it. She heard about the rumors and all the things that supposedly go on and it made her sick to her stomach. So she's come to the city to help clean it up and make it safer for everyone even if she knows that she'll make some very powerful enemies while she does. she works at Hot Topic at the mall.

Name: Vincent Martin
Age: 14
Race: human
Sexuality: bi
Personality: he's a nice kid and very obedient
History: He was born into a family of pretty much all alcoholics. His father and mother both beat him daily. They had ended up turning it into a game whomever could hurt vincent the most would win. He met damien at the hospital one night when damien was bringing another slave there for trying to commit suicide he told damien everything. he at first thought damien was trying to save him until damien took him to bed though he hates him for that he's still grateful that he's not being beaten to near death anymore.

Name: Sara McMillen
Age: 18
Race: fairy
Sexuality: straight
Personality: she's a sweet heart unlike the person she lives with
History: She's the niece of damien and she knows what goes on but she's threatened daily by her uncle so that she'll keep quiet and wont tell his wife. She tries a lot to find a way out but thats the only place she has to go.
Pic:<img:>[she's the red head in black ^^]

Username: [HeAVenShallBuRN]
Name: Jack Daniels
Age: 19
Sexualty: Straight
Personalty: kind...caring, wants to clean up this place
History: He...was raped once, long long time ago, but is over it by now, works at hot topics Mika

Username: [wolvie]
Name: Joe Anderson ((shh i couldn't resist xD))
Age: 22
Race: Human
Sexuality: Bi
Personality: fun loving and goofy he is usually the center of attention and loves to make other's happy. However he is easily depressed and sometimes hides away from others.
History: He was once a slave of Damien but he was one of the very few to escape. He was held there from the age of 12 to 15 and still has haunting memories of being held there. Often times he wakes up in the night screaming when he rememebers it so now he tries to be as funny and goofy as possible to hide the emotional scars.

Name: Sagan Raife
Personality:Harsh, controlling, and cruel.
History: Sagan was raised by his father after his mother died in childbirth. He was forced to watch his father kill the rest of his litter. He was kicked out of his pack when he was fifteen. No one knows what he did for the next ten years but when he was 25 he kidnapped Lena and killed her family.
Pic: (soon :D)

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