Page name: elfpack idol [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-09-16 13:32:22
Last author: Kaos101
Owner: Kaos101
# of watchers: 4
Fans: 0
D20: 15
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This contest has not yet opened. Feel free to watch this page, to be kept up on whenever it may open.(which will be soon, I promise.)

Elfpack Idol!

Welcome to Elfpack Idol. As you can guess from the name, this contest is named after and designed to slightly mimic the highly popularized American television show "American Idol".

First and foremost, I would like to express that this competition is meant to be friendly and respectful.We will not tolerate any bashing or flaming of any contestants. You've been warned.

For more information on the original TV show, go to

It's more than obvious that everyone on Elfpack either is a singer, or has a friend or two or a few who have more than just 'singing potential'. This contest is to give all the inspiring singers out their a chance to show their stuff. A chance to get recognition for their amazing talent and effort. On behalf of the staff, I assure that no one will be judged harshly or purposely offended in any way. While in the contest, their are winners and there are losers, no one who enters is considered a loser to us. Please feel confident and free to post any audition, sing and song, and have fun.


Elfpack Idol Rules:

Entries are for the most part not limited to any specific guideline, and may be sung of any song or song genre. However, please show discretion towards any immense swearing or otherwise offensive material. Because of the privledge allowed to participate in this contest, We reserve the right to remove any material we see fit. However, we are all human and have a sense of humor, so unless its just crude, insensitive, or ignorant, you shouldn't have a problem. Thank you for your discretion.

Elfpack Idol will be decided and judged a system of rounds and preliminaries. The number of rounds will more than likely be dependent on the number of applicants competing in the contest, but may also be decided by the difficulty of judging.

Judging:The contest will consist of three judges. As auditions are placed onto the wiki, the three judges will review them and give their own individual comments. These comments may consist of overall appraisal or disapproval, comments on certain strengths and weaknesses, or tips to better your style. In the first round, the three judges will go over each of the auditions and make a select list of singers. These singers will move on to the next round.(The auditions will be free to be viewed by anyone.)

For the next round, the singers will have to make another recording, singing a different song. Again, the three judges will make their comments as they see fit. However, instead of the judges getting the final word, the decision on which singers will move to the next round will be decided by the viewers. A poll will be set up for anyone to vote for their favorite. After the poll deadline has been met, the three top singers will move on to the finals.

For the final round, the judges will(in audio fashion) select a song for each of the finalists to sing. The selection will be done via a thorough review of the singers type of voice, style, and previous song selections. The choices will be set to reasonably challenge the singer in the most probable way. The contestants will be given a recording of the song by the original artist, which will also be displayed on here for viewers to listen to. Afterwards, the contestants will be given a week to practice, rehearse, and present their own recording not later than the deadline(exceptions are very strict, but possible. If you have a serious reason why you can't have it in by then, the judges will postpone the deadline.) When the deadline is over, the judging will be the same as the previous round. The judges will express their opinions, and the viewers will vote for their favorites. This will decide the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.


The staff of this wiki will consist only of the three judges, one of them being myself. If you feel you would like to be a judge, message me([Kaos101]) with a brief as possible resume on why you should become a judge.

The judge should have more than half-decent musical experience, have knowledge of how to upload clips, and be unbiased in their judging. Most importantly, they need to be active, and must do as expected. If you don't think you have these characteristics, don't apply.



experience: I have performed in choir for over six years at my middle school and high school, single-handedly leading as the men's leader, and as a leader for the chorus as a whole for the past three years. Have performed in All-county three years running. Performed in three musicals, two of them leads. Have performed professionally in musicals such as the Messiah.

personality:I'm a nice and generous guy. I do my best to judge people fairly. When I give an opinion, its an honest opinion, but I will always try my best to give encouragement and tips instead of scolding and giving insults.

P.S. I'm also looking for someone to draw art for a banner and for prizes. If you're interested, send me a message. If possible, include a draft of anything you can offer.

Instructions on applying

First and foremost. In order to upload an audio file onto Elfack, you'll need: priv94 or lower, a sound recording device, and you'll need to be apart of the EP Idol forum. To become a member, contact [Kaos101].

For more information on priv, visit privs, or ask about them at help or at guards. To get the privs, simply message a guard. There names are also listed on guards.

Secondly, in order to create a recording, you'll need a recording device for your computer, i.e. a microphone or a webcam with a microphone in it. If you do not have one, visit the following sites to compare prices on purchasing one:




If you have the necessary priv points and mic to make a recording, follow these step my step instructions.

1. Go into your start toolbar, select 'All Programs'-accessories-entertainment- sound recorder. If you do not have sound recorder(which you should. It's possible it may be re-located), go to to download it.

2. After you've completed the song you wish to enter, save it into 'My Documents'(preferrably something simple and easy to remember, like the name of the song you're singing).

3. Come to this page. Scroll down to the very bottom of the screen. It will ask what file you wish to upload. Select the 'browse...' option, and find and select your song. Wanted name is optional. If you've already saved it with the name you want it to be, you don't have to do anything with that. If not, write the name you want it to be called(what the link will read), adding the extension at the end, make sure in this case it is '.wav'(without the apostrophes.)

4. For the 'extensions' part, put wav. When you've finished, select upload file. This will take from a few seconds to several minutes depending on the speed and performance of your computer, so be patient. Once finished, It will bring you to the edit page for the wiki. Your file that you just uploaded will automatically be set at the bottom of the page. Highlight by holding down your left mouse trigger, then hovering over your name. Right-click, then cut. Go to wherever you wish you drop it. Click so that the flashing bar is there, then right-click again, then select paste. A

5. Just hit "Submit changes to this page", and your finished. The rest will be left to the staff.

-For any more questions, visit soundbites, or ask around. If you still can't figure it out, simply comment or message a staff member and we'll do out best to help you.

Remember: To apply, you must be apart of the EP Idol forum. Please message [Kaos101] if you would like to compete.


[prizes have yet to be determined. Please check back for details. Thank you]

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