Page name: The Agency Main Characters [Exported view] [RSS]
2011-02-18 06:51:28
Last author: HeAVenShallBuRN
Owner: Sonya Blue
# of watchers: 7
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The Agents

Members of the Agnency are charged with investigations involving the Black Hearts Mafia

the agency

Screen name:[Sonya Blue]
Name:Lisa Monroe
Personality:Serious most of the time, its rare to find her in a care free attitude, because she only shows it around people she cares for. She constantly argues with Marjiore about not getting closer to solving her sisters murder.
History:Lisa lived with her much older sister for most of her life. Her mother died of cancer, and her father left when she was born, afraid of any commitment or responsibility towards another child. when she was 16 two men came and tried robbing her home. her sister, being a cop tried to take them down until police arrived, but was killed in the process. the men who killed her got away, and were never caught. Lilly still works to this day to bring her sisters killers to justice. She is really close to her partner James, who is one of the only people she trusts with her life. Being his goal is the same as hers, to find those responsible for the deaths of the ones they loved.

Screen name: [Ritsuka-Kun]
Name: Jameson Abbington (Goes by James)
Weapon: two .45 pistols
Personality: kind, will do anything to save his partner or his friends, he kids around and flirts a bit too much but you can always count on him lifting a tense mood with a joke
History: His and his brother's parents were killed in a home invasion and the case was never solved, his number one goal is to solve his parent's murder. He believes it was members of gang in his neighborhood, but has not been able to prove it.

Screen name:[Tis gone but never gone]
Name:Meghan Suri
Weapon:Carries a gun, and a switchblade
Personality:really kind and approachable she doesn't like to see people unhappy and tries to keep a smile on everyone's faces. She can be shy around guys. She is very hard working and is devoted to her job.
History:Meghan loves working where she is she loves helping others and putting away convicts she is very smart and always keeps up with small details because those usually help with big clues. she is a researcher and is very computer smart, one of the best hackers that the agency has. She hardly ever leaves the agency. She considers Lisa to be a close friend of hers, and trying to help her solve the murder of her sister, as well as the murder of James family.

Screen name:[ArtworkA]
Weapon:one modified desert eagle made heavier so only he can wield the recoil from it and one M80 sniper rifle carrying 50mm high caliber bullets
Age: 19
Personality:cold and distant from everyone he often goes at it alone which annoys the boss as he calls her
History:Not much is known about him. He is on Lisa's team purley as support for when things get bad, he is usually seen on the sidelines keeping a close eye on anyone who looks like they might be carrying weapons.

Screen name: [Strawboy]
Name: Alec Freeman
Weapon: fire based weapons
Personality: rather morbid and straight forward
History: Alec and his parents were victims of Riddick. He burnt the house down but Alec survived as Jameson pulled him from the house. He suffered third degree burns to the left side of his body and face. Since then he has worked with the agency, however, he uses Black Hearts methods (killing there members brutally) which has gotten him into hot water with the higher ups of the agency.

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Screen name: [HeAVenShallBuRN]
Name: Rebecca Clearwater
Weapon: Beretta 9mm, combat knife
Personality: Diligent, kind, sweet
History: Rebecca at age 15 was forced to watch her parents murdered, by what she suspects to be a Nathaniel, of the Black Hearts gang, then bound and gagged to a bed, he preceeded to rape her for hours. Which explains little Zeik, her son, whom is by now six years old. So she seeks the man out, remembering his they blazed with lust. So she seeks not only vigence...but also rougly sven years of child support.

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Screen name: [Ritsuka-Kun]
Name: Angel
Weapon: he owns a pistol but rarely uses it
Personality: he's a sweet guy out going and he flirts with everyone he doesnt mean anything by it its just his personality
History: He just wants to help take down this gang. He wants to hunt and put away monsters. He doesnt go out in the field he's pretty much like the garcia of the group [if you've ever seen criminal minds then you know who im talking about ^^]. He's amazing with computers he can find out any information you need and he can hack into any database

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Black Hearts Mafia

Originally named by Cleo and Jacobs father

Screen name:[Sonya Blue]
Name:Cleo Nelson
Personality:Generally outspoken, but can be very quiet when she needs to be
History:She has a habit of being caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, and hanging around the wrong people. She is very bad at covering up her tracks when the cops are after her. She has an older brother called Jacob who is a leader of a very well known gang, and she is usually seen around them.

Screen name: [Strawboy]
Name:Jacob Nelson
Weapon:Whatever he can get his hands on
Personality: arrogant, but with good reason.
History:The son of founder of the Black Hearts, He runs it now that his father is dead. Unlike his father Jacob has taken the group into a more organized group, working more like a normal mafia. This has caused friction with some old members who are used to killing freely. Jacob has silenced many of them personally.

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Screen name:[Tis gone but never gone]
Name:Lucy Walker
Personality:Cold hearted woman with a verry nasty temper
History:Lucy grew up around the mafia her whole life, she has always been under protection because she might get kidnapped or whatever. But when she was asked to do a little mission, she jumped at the chance to do it and she did it and became one of the guys. She is best known for selling drugs.

Screen name:[HeAVenShallBuRN]
Name: Riddick
Weapon:Guns, knives, name it, he uses it (yes, even bazooka's)
Personality: Cold, cruel, only cares for those within the mafia
History: Record not found....

Screen name: [Ritsuka-Kun]
Name: Nathaniel and Anya Romanoff
Weapon: nathaniel uses and can make anything into a deadly weapon anya just distracts long enough for nathaniel to attack
Personality: Both are cold but doesnt mean they dont have feelings they only lighten up and joke around other mafia members
History: Not much is known about them and thats the way they'd like to keep it.

Screen name:[ArtworkA]
Name:Ricky sinclar
Weapon:Claw blades
Personality: Quiet, observent, can be jumpy when he has had one to many drinks.

Screen name:[HeAVenShallBuRN] & [Ritsuka-Kun]
Name: Gerald Harmony & Tifa Harmony
Weapon: Gerald: Knives & Explosives
Personality: Gerald is cold and cruel, uses explosives to get his point across, no matter how big or small. Tifa is nice sorta but you're never sure if she's being nice or just a bitch
History:Both are brother and sister, twins, and have...a very disturbing relationship with one another that spawned with they turned 16

Screen name: [Ritsuka-Kun]
Name: Melissa Northridge
Weapon: a dagger of hers
Personality: she's cold and sarcastic
History: Not much is known about her other than she did have a twin at one time. But then her twin brother attempted to rape her and during her struggling she slit his throat.

Screen name:[HeAVenShallBuRN]
Name: Samara Williams
Weapon: Poisons/Her body She's a suductress.
Personality: cold, cruel, violent, sultry, knows how to seduce a man...and a woman.
History: I wo'nt tell you :D

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