Page name: The Dark Tower Assigned [Exported view] [RSS]
2011-03-15 06:04:17
Last author: Sigyn, The Faithful Wife
Owner: wolvie
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Alright these characters have been claimed :D

Username: [wolvie]
Character Name: Roland Deschain
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Short History: Roland Deschain, son of Steven Deschain, was born in the Barony of Gilead, in In-World. Roland is the last surviving gunslinger, a man whose only goal is finding and climbing to the top of the Dark Tower, purported to be the very center of existence. This quest is obsession, monomania and geas to Roland: the success of the quest is more important than the lives of his family and friends. He is a man who lacks imagination, and this is one of the stated reasons for his survival against all odds: he can't imagine anything other than surviving to find the Tower. For more indepth character info see Roland Deschain
Any Other Info: he is missing two fingers on his left hand and his guns are made from the metal of Excallibur
Pic or Description:
<img:> young roland
<img:> roland now

Username: [wolvie]
Character Name: Eddie Dean
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Short History: Eddie makes his debut in The Drawing of the Three, in which Roland encounters three doors that open into the New York City of our world in different times. Through these doors, Roland draws companions who will join him on his quest, as the Man In Black foretold. The first to be drawn is Eddie Dean, a drug addict and a first-time cocaine transporter. Eddie lived with his older brother and fellow junkie Henry, whom Eddie reveres despite the corrupting influence Henry had upon his life. Roland helps Eddie fight off a gang of mobsters for whom he was transporting the cocaine, but not before Eddie discovers that Henry has died from an overdose of heroin in the company of the aforementioned mobsters (after which the mobsters decide to chop off Henry's head). It is because of Eddie's heroin addiction that he is termed 'The Prisoner', and that is what is written upon the door from which Roland draws him.
Roland also acquires medicine for his infection during the trip to Eddie's world, but this only temporarily quells the fever.
Eddie passes through the door into Roland's world, and faces heroin withdrawal symptoms, but despite his suffering, he also shows an affinity for the ways of the gunslinger. Unwillingly at first, and somewhat under duress, Eddie becomes Roland's companion through Mid-World, and he soon falls in love with Susannah, the next member of Roland's ka-tet. Eddie and Susannah consider themselves husband and wife, although they never formally marry.
for more info go to Eddie Dean
Any Other Info: none yet
Pic or description:
<img:> obviously the dude is him xD

character name: Susan Delgado
sexuality straight
short history Susan Delgado appears in Wizard and Glass, the fourth book of the series. She is a resident of Hambry in the Barony of Mejis, where the 14-year-old Roland and his ka-tet have been sent for safekeeping. Her father was killed in a horseback riding "accident", actually a murder, and Susan has been cajoled by her aunt Cordelia into becoming a "gilly", essentially a concubine, for Mejis mayor Hart Thorin (while Susan is paid for her services, she is a recognized consort and any heir she bears to the heretofore-childless Thorin will be legitimate). Before her relationship with the mayor is allowed to begin, however, she falls in love with Roland, and lays plans to run away with him. She saves Roland's group from imprisonment and possible execution. Accused of helping the gunslingers kill the mayor, she is burned at the stake by the townspeople and her aunt. At the time, she is already pregnant with Roland's first child. Roland is devastated by her death—not just because of his love for her, but because, when confronted with the choice of returning for her or setting out for the Dark Tower and thus saving all of creation, he chose the Tower, thus condemning her to death.
Roland believes that Susan Delgado was the only true love of his life.
for more in depth information look here Susan Delgado
Any other info

Character Name: Dora Allucius
Gender: female
Sexuality: bi
Short History: she's a follower of the crimson king she always does her jobs along with Victor Cardanas another follower of the king
Other Info: has a temper and is quick to anger especially with people who try to hit on her she's there to stop roland nothing more

Character Name: Victor Cardanas
Gender: male
Sexuality: gay
Short History: he's been a follower of the king ever since he was created he never questions what he's told to do he just does it
Other Info:

Character Name: Dixie
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight? lol
Short History: its another bumbler like oy but this one was found by susan while she's looking for roland she has been very loyal to susan and will do anything to protect her
Other Info:

Character Name:Mordaki
Sexuality:Straight, and STAYING STRAIGHT
Short History:He has...a seething hatred for all life...this Prim....hates his own family, and seeks..yes seeks to kill his own flesh and blood..but they cannot find him, ever. He never uses his true form, he never uses the same form twice...he's a bitch to catch, one really knows his second's said to be...more powerful than his own fathers!

username: [wolvie]
character name: Oy
gender: male
short history
Oy is a "billy-bumbler," a strange creature found in Roland Deschain's world. King describes Oy in the "Argument", or foreword, of the fourth book, Wizard and Glass - "Bumblers, which look like a combination of badger, raccoon, and dog, have a limited speaking ability". Elsewhere, bumblers are described as "a combination raccoon and woodchuck, with a little dachsund thrown in." At one point, Eddie calls Oy "a fucked-up weasel". Oy's voice is described as "low and deep, almost a bark; the voice of an English footballer with a bad cold in his throat."
King seems to base Oy's appearance on the Tanuki, also known as the raccoon dog, or the Coati. Regarding Oy's appearance, by far the most frequently described feature throughout the series is his large, "bright" almost glowing, "intelligent,gold-ringed eyes", though King also frequently refers to the creature's "disroportionately long," "surprisingly graceful neck". The creature has "black- and grey-striped fur" and a "furry corkscrew tail".
At the time of their meeting, Roland concedes that Oy may quite possibly be meant as another member of their ka-tet. Later, in the 6th book, this is confirmed when the Tet Corporation forms as the association of "Deschain, Dean, Dean, Chambers, and Oy."
Oy develops emotions and even a sense of humanity beyond that of his ability to replicate some words that the others speak. Oy is often referenced as the smartest bumbler that characters have seen since the world had moved on. Oy provides a much-needed shelter from the harsh adultness of the quest for his master, often playing with Jake or providing moments of lightheartedness to the ka-tet. Together, the two are sometimes able to recall the innocence they have lost.
Any other info
pic or description

Username:[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]
Character Name: Lishta Morieve
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Short History: Born in a world lost to time, her people are stuck in the middle ages with no signs of progressing. They have their ways, and no one really wants it to change. Her parents were simple farmers, she had chores every day and never completed an aducation past learning how to read some things, write some things, and some math that was necessary. She learned more domestic trades, like cooking, sewing, and medicine (what little her people have) But she was different from the others in her village. Magic s frowned upon, infact, it's punishible by death so when she realised she had magic she ran from home. A witch hunt ensued and right when they were about to get her and hang her, she landed in this strange place..
Any Other Info: She's terribly skittish and flinches a lot. Stammers when she's nervous.
Pic or Description: <img:>

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2011-03-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: *Claims Dora as his girl, cause he can and he's JIIMY!*

2011-03-15 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: There, is that ok?

2011-03-15 [wolvie]: of course :D oh snap she's gonna hate roland xD

2011-03-15 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: lol, it might cuase tension, but she doesn't ever actually hate anyone... >.< She's too nervous to ever be angery for very long.

2011-03-15 [wolvie]: epic xD and roland's just an ass who doesn't give a damn xD

2011-03-15 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: See, I think they'll be great pals ^_^ lol

2011-03-15 [wolvie]: maybe xD

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