Page name: members for *x Baby Gurl x* [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-08-14 11:21:07
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This is for our members plz add ur name!!

1)[No Longer Used x]--This girl is the bestest and a right laugh....bst m8z foreva bbz!! x.x.x.x.x.x i culdnt say nuthin else coz i'd b here forever jst memba UR AMAZIN!!!

2)[xILY] Omg! we're just like... so lush ^^ lol! lurv ya doctor gordon :P forever and always, my fave angel for life! so kind... so amazin... i lurv her OMG i lurv her so much! I have to go now the saw man is coming on his bike :'( x x x

*x Baby Gurl x*

banners for beth >If you u hav become a member please host a banner from here in ur EP house... thanku...x<

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