"And I wouldnt be at all suprised that all of them habitually smoke marajuana cigarettes.... Reefers!"
Argh, Sublime's Smoke Two Joints with the insert from 'Reefer Madness'. What good stuff that is.
I miss the Badfish concert. Sublime covers at their best... I miss life.
i think that.. my cats might all be fucking lazy dogs, squished into cat bodies. Cause one is WICKED WICKED WICKED fat, and he just ate something off the floor. and the little tiny skinny one doesnt sit still. so he's not lazy at all, he's like hyper psycho shit that eats everything. he ate olives. MY CAT ATE OLIVES! GREEN OLIVES! so yeah. But my fluffy kitty, the cool one with the short little legs that sleeps in bowls is a true cat. i just wont pay attention to the bowl thing.