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Caffeine (Close up the hole in my vein.)
Name: Emmy
Fake blood = Tastes gross.
Elfpack titles and orders
Wanna make me really happy? Go to and tell me what you think.
Current Music stuck in my head: Feathers by Kidney Thieves.
Also I'm [
Scarlet_Jones] on ET.
. hmm?
Lets do a list of my views/beliefs/stances... whatever have you=
Religion: 50% Pagan, 40% Atheist/Nihilist/Existentialist, 10% left to dispute.
Sexuality: pansexual/omnisexual. basically the same thing.
Alcohol: Normally, I'll pass...
Other drugs: I'll try almost anything twice.
Cigarettes: Cloves normally, sometimes Marlboros.
Death: If not overdose of heroin after finding out I have lung cancer, then drowning. It's supposed to be euphoric. Just like suffocating to enhance an orgasm.
Artistic Abilities: I'm not sure if I have any. I did somehow become accepted into a performing arts school, where I'm taking acting, paper making, guitar and I'm in a play about something stupid. I paint, take pictures of things, model, write, sing in the shower and trip on my shoes too much to be a dancer (they're clunky heels).
*I'm passionate about my miniskirts, will be in love with hard rock forever, hate the fucking ponchos, and will have fun making blood&gore movies till the end of me.*
"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)"
-Walt Whitman's Song of Myself.
Just admit it, you need me like a bad habit.
Gender: female
What do you do?: Something in between
alternative | classical | eurodisco |
grunge | new age | reggae |
rock | synth | techno |
Other interests
art | books | cats |
drinks | fashion | film |
history | horses | knitting |
party | plants | poetry |
politics | religion | singing |
sewing | slacking | smoking |
theatre | travelling | whisky |
writing |
Civil status: single
Sexual preference: both sexes
Body shape: thin
Height: 168