Page name: Harrem [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-06-17 03:46:19
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Harrem's abilities
Played By:[MadHatress]
Name: Harrem
Age: He's not saying.
Personality: Cold and cruel. He doesn't trust easily.
History: He's actually a younger god. The son of two higher gods, he's considered a threat. His mother is Demi((basically Hera)) and his father is Nana((basically Zeus)). They didn't keep him around very long before banishing him to the world of humans. He was raised by one of the cruelest of kings and his kingdom was the foundation for Harrem's own. He doesn't sit around the castle, he's out fighting when he can.

Dragon Alliance

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2009-06-17 [MadHatress]: coming up with a "color chart" for his eyes and powers...let me know (when I post it) if it's too much

2009-06-17 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Whatever modifications you want to make you can

2009-06-17 [MadHatress]: I'm making the images now. I'll put links up so the page isn't ginormous

2009-06-17 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: lol, ok

2009-06-17 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: *suddenly bursts out luaghing* I think he's the only guy who can make feathers look badass.

2009-06-17 [MadHatress]: xD

2009-09-01 [MadHatress]: this just clicked with me...
Harrem is basically hercules!  in relation to the parental references

2009-09-01 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: *luaghs*Yeah, kind of.

2009-09-02 [MadHatress]: that's...epic, in a roleplayer type manner

2009-09-02 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: lol, I guess...

2009-09-02 [MadHatress]: ^^
so...just bought me a dell laptop... yay

2009-09-02 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sweet ^_^

2009-09-02 [MadHatress]: yeah..picking it up at walmart in about 2 weeks.

2009-09-02 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sweet.

2009-09-02 [MadHatress]: yup. and i get paid this week and the week I pick up the comp ...another word that ryhms with paid but starts with an "L" (lmao) and I get to see my friends and my boyfriend quite a bit now.
if only i could do that with some of you folks here on ep

2009-09-02 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: lol, yeah no kidding

2009-09-02 [MadHatress]: lol
"those scientists need to work on teleportation!"- [MadHatress]'s boyfriend.

2009-09-02 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: lol, yes, indeed they do. that would be awsome.

2009-09-02 [MadHatress]: hecks yeah

2009-09-02 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Doomy doom

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