# of watchers: 6
| D20: 20 |
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Main Characters: Titus Batiatus Paterfamilias Quintus Batiatus Ludus Dominus Lucretia Batiatus Ludus Domina Gannicus current Champion of Capua Oenomaus Doctore Spartacus Crixus | Primary Characters: Ashur Tullius Solonius Varro Dagan | Ilythia Glaber Barca Naevia Melitta Mira |
My Rules are few: Godmoding is only allowed WITH PERMISSION! Check your spelling before submitting your comment. I WILL DELETE IT! no short text; make your responses worth reading. if you are dominus/a or peterfamilias, you command all gladiators and slaves Sex goes onto your own wiki | Members: 1.owner [MadHatress] 2.[HeAVenShallBuRN] 3.[Tis gone but never gone] 4.[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife] 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. |
2011-04-12 [MadHatress]: I almost put up a profile for him; but petros had such a small role in the series... all he did was get barca X'd lol
2011-04-12 [burn_in_silence]: so does the rp work as u play one of the charachters or are u a slave bought too be trained while this is hapening???
2011-04-13 [MadHatress]: if I had more of the characters strategically disbursed we would start it and you would have a guidline to use. lol
I think it's going to go on like you play one of the characters. only a few of them come in as slaves/ captured and sold into slavery, and I'll let those who control said characters in on that just before we get started
2011-04-14 [burn_in_silence]: sweet id like too be a slave
2011-04-15 [MadHatress]: okay cool. :)
2011-05-16 [MadHatress]: wanting to start this in the next 2 days...
2011-05-16 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: AGREED!
2011-05-16 [MadHatress]: regardless of the presence of other characters. I think the important ones of the moment are taken, so... I'm okay with starting on tuesday
2011-05-16 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: k
2011-05-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Okay hun :)
2011-05-17 [MadHatress]: ALright; I have Spartacus and Lucretia... I'm going to allow Jimmeh to take Quintus and... Crixus.
and 'chelle; if you want to, you has Naevia and Ilythia; and if you want a 3rd; can has Sollonius, Barca, Mellita...
2011-05-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: I'll take my characters, Naevia and Ilythia :D I think that will be as much as I can deal with lol XD
2011-05-19 [MadHatress]: lol that's alright.
2011-05-19 [MadHatress]: and I ended up not being online today. I sorry, lol. I'm going to work on the first post tomorrow when I get out of bed.
2011-05-19 [MadHatress]: First Comment is up 2 days later than I hoped it would be, and it isn't all that awesome. It's going to be a pretty slow start to what I see being an amazing RP
2011-08-01 [MadHatress]: STILL want to get this one going. If we have to start Divying up the crutial characters, we'll start Divying them up
2011-08-01 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Right! *smacks head* I was supposed to chose one, wasn't I? Sorry >.<
2011-08-01 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sweet ^_^
2011-08-01 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: *doesn't know who to play...*
2011-08-01 [MadHatress]: lol
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