Page name: ArtofMidori [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-02-06 20:48:42
Last author: Midori
Owner: Midori
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The Art of Midori

Hey everyone! Midori here. This is one of the places to look for anime artwork, as it is my specialty! I'm trying to get back into fine art, and not so much digital (I kind of abandoned fine art...:( anyway it's all thanks to [Lashana] as she saved me from the addicting depths of digital, and soon, you'll see that we are going to have our own wiki! Kaykay and I are also going to try to make a short comic, as soon as we receive an idea, and possibly..possibly publish a REAL How to Draw Manga book, so how about that? Before you go, please look at the short wiki poll at the bottom of the page, and answer, if you will please! It could be you who gave Kaykay and I our idea for our first comic! So anyway, look around and make suggestions if you have any! I'm always open to new ideas!


799) What genre should mine and [Lashana]'s new manga revolve around? (Administrator: [Midori])

Number of voters: 26
* a) Fantasy
Number of votes: 18 (69%)

* b) Horror
Number of votes: 4 (15%)

* c) School Life
Number of votes: 2 (8%)

* d) Historical Fiction
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

* e) Other--if so, please message [Lashana] or myself for ideas please!
Number of votes: 2 (8%)


Bye now!

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2007-06-16 [Midori]: Okay, so I haven't started one of these in a WHILE. One word of advice. If you are here to berate and harass me, I WILL report you to the guards and it won't be pretty. Please act your age. You KNOW who you are! Thank you! As for everyone else, enjoy!!

2007-06-20 [Zero Avalon]: Really awsome! i preticluary like the first one

2007-06-22 [Baby_Girl07]: they are neat i like the first and the last the most

2007-06-22 [Midori]: Thank you all! You guys are the first to respond, so that makes me happy!!

2007-06-23 [kittykittykitty]: <img50*0:stuff/z/48423/Mycreations/i1182142341_1.jpg>
I like this picture especially ^_^ The whole composition is quite nice :)

2007-06-24 [Midori]: I like that one too! I dedicated it to [Asrun] who helped me ink stuff. I don't use a tablet either, it's all mouse. May sound backwards, but mouses are WAY easier for me. I have a Wacom tablet, I just refuse to use!!

2007-06-27 [Midori]: The new one is a picture of my character, Midori. Just a crayola crayon picture (I love the 120 box sets!!!) The main heroine in my manga The Crest of Gyrocia who has to travel back in time to free an ancient warrior from a possessed spirit, who in turn has stolen an ancient relic that is crucial to the fate of present Gyrocians. Ask me if I want a cookie, right?

2007-07-04 [Lashana]: I like the two smaller ones on the bottom row in particular. I think the coloring on the mermaid thingy looks really great. :)

2007-07-04 [Midori]: The "mermaid thingy" haha, that was inspiring to me as I was playing LOZ: Twilight Princess. I thought the Zoras were extremely beautiful, (Especially Queen Rutela) so that's where that came from.

2007-07-04 [Midori]: I'm trying to upload an animation I did just a little while ago. I'll see how this works....

2007-07-05 [Lashana]: Can you upload animations to elfpack? I think you might have to use photobucket or something but I'm not sure...

2007-07-05 [Midori]: oh no my dear, I've already mastered it....well, mastered uploading animations,but not the animations themselves. Because animations are supposed to have 30 pictures a second I only did 18. animation is tedious work, and I only wanted to do a tiny itty bitty demo. This proves that it can be done!

2007-07-05 [DeeJay™]: i think it's awesome :D

oh, umm.. hi, btw

2007-07-06 [Midori]: Heya!Thank you for your comment!! I really appreciate feedabck, I need to know how I'm doing!

2007-07-06 [Midori]: I made another one guys!! I decided to color this one.Lashana, tell them what he's saying!

2007-07-06 [DeeJay™]: he's not saying anything, as he doesnt have a tongue :P
otherwise, i think it's awesome! (again! lol)

may i ask how you animate it?

2007-07-06 [Lashana]: He's saying "I don't know who I am." Can't ya see it? I really don't think you would see his tounge from that angle, at least not much. :)

2007-07-06 [Midori]: I use Adobe imageready and use at least 7 different pictures. Each picture is a fifth of a second long. I go from the first pic to the last, then backwards again to make the picture smooth. Japanese animation has a wide arrange of styles when drawing things, and drawing his tongue in would make him looklike he's sying 'thathathathatha" all the time. Kinda dumb.

2007-07-15 [Midori]: Gah!!! I wish people would write more!!

2007-07-20 [Lashana]: Yeah, I'm getting the red x too. Have you looked at code?

2007-07-20 [Midori]: It's completely normal! I've even uploaded it to different names, and get the same thing!

2007-07-20 [Lashana]: Well, if I click on it to bring up the 'x' and right click and then hit properties, it's doing some wierd stuff. The url looks shorter than all of your others, and there is no size information. (just for an example) Have you tried uploading it directly to your wiki page? And if that's what you did, did you try uploading it to your house?

2007-07-20 [Midori]: My wiki has been doing weird crap. Like I literally starting laughing hysterically I got so pissed at my computer. It took me 2 HOURS just to get my hylian banners up last night. I have no tolerance at all when it comes to electronics. Anyway, i'll try the house thing. check it in like two mins.

2007-07-25 [Lashana]: I like the one with the girl and the flowers. It's pretty. :D

2007-07-25 [Midori]: Meh it;s okay.

I noticed last night that it ODDLY resembles the charcter we drew together...Hmm?

2007-07-26 [Dr Optimist]: it should be a midevil set story with fuckin nice ass battle scenes

2007-07-26 [Midori]: That's what the hell I said.

I've got this story floating up there about a pirate named Cirrus, and an archeress name Midori (Hmmm) Anyway, they warp back into time by four hundred years, and Cirrus meets his grandfather, but doesn't find out until the end when the evil bastard in the show says "That was your grandfather I killed"

So cirrus gets all pissed, and that's where his motivation is derived. He also finds out he was part of a royal bloodline, but it was lost through the years...

2007-07-31 [Lashana]: Shana said that it didn't matter to her. Shana says pretty much anything Cosmo wants is fine. :P

2007-07-31 [Midori]: No No!!!

What I meant by "What the hell I said " Was, "Hell yeah!! That's what I think too! Bitchin right man!"

No get mad shana... ;__;

2007-07-31 [Lashana]: Shana no get mad. Shana joking. O.O *blink, blink*

2007-07-31 [Midori]: Midori take stuff too heart too easily. Midori is a pussy-ass softy. O.o *blink blink*

2007-07-31 [Lashana]: Nah, Midori just misunderstood 'cus she was reading what Shana was saying, not hearing it. That makes a difference. :p

2007-07-31 [Midori]: Midori is a sucker for anything she hears and believes the first impression...

2007-07-31 [Lashana]: *blink, blink*

2007-07-31 [Midori]: Why are we speaking in third person???

And I F*ing ♥ you [Dr Optimist]!!!!!!

2007-07-31 [Lashana]: No clue. I just do that sometimes, and then you started doing it too. :P

2007-08-12 [shinobi14]: Well done, you guys. You will make a great pair. And you will rule!! =D

Lovely art work, Andrea. =]

2007-08-12 [Midori]: *blush* Why thank you...Danny..

2007-08-14 [Midori]: Sorry about Axl and slash didn't fit in the scanner, and the reason it looks smushed is because I was pressing down on the scanner to lock in all the light...because the lid wasn't going down all the way......

2007-09-02 [Midori]: Does anyone like the new picture of my husband? aka..vincent

2007-10-06 [Lashana]: Kick ass! I love the anthro pic. You draw yours alot more humanesque than I do but I really love your style for 'em.

2007-10-07 [Midori]: It's about came on...

2007-11-14 [Lashana]: Oooh, Pocahontas? I really like the deer too. Sorry I haven't been on in so long, I just got back from New Jersey Saturday.

2007-11-20 [Midori]: Wow!!!!!!!!

So..what's it like? what did yas do there???

2007-11-20 [Lashana]: It was cool I guess. I just applied to the Joe Kubert School. I'll know in about 5 days or so.

2007-11-27 [Dr Optimist]: One of the main characters *but not thee main* should be a Jester...  He would be a Human Fighter but would paint his face up and for no reason at all climb through peoples windows and make himself a sandwich and walk out the front door... Heh heh... He's a beast!!!  Name him Jynx or something completely of your own thoughts but yea he would carry a huge Double Bladed Battle axe *Much like Snaga the axe Druss carries in Druss the Legend by David Gemmel* as well as his two trusty daggers made of an unkown black metal that looks and shines like an ebony Diamond. His only armour is a Black chain body vest *no sleeves and stops at waist*  OMG I need to go create this character for DnD!!! and make an avitar of him...

2008-01-22 [Rachelle;; RIOT.]: Wow..that is very beautiful art you have :]

2008-01-22 [Midori]: I'm surprised you're here, why thank you!!

2008-02-03 [君たち 夢 - kimitachi yume]: Your art is very beautiful.

2008-02-03 [Midori]: OMG, I'm going to have a heart attack!!! I just got good feedback!! *breath..breathe!!!*

2008-02-08 [君たち 夢 - kimitachi yume]: I chose other by the way.

2008-02-08 [君たち 夢 - kimitachi yume]: No offense but there aren't enough romance manga yet

2008-02-13 [Asrun]: Looking good. :)

2008-02-13 [Midori]: Yay!! thanks for stopping by! :D

2008-04-10 [lex!!~land]: O_O wow...I LOVE THEM! U HAVE GOT TO ADD ME! *puppy eyes* plz???

2008-04-10 [Midori]: Ehmm, message me a couple times first..and I'll think about it.

2008-05-12 [Megan19]: this is what is called

2008-05-12 [Midori]: *Wishes professional animators would see that*

2009-02-20 [Lashana]: It's Jareth! *does happy dance*
*coughs* Ahem! So! Me likez. I especially like the Anastasia one; it came out really professional. I really like the way you used gradients.

2009-03-02 [Dint]: The last two pieces were used with copic markers, right? You're a goddess. O___O Nice blending.
Are they hard to use??

2009-03-02 [Midori]: Copic markers are really easy to use. You would think with how the pro's make it look is hard, but you get the hang of it quickly

2009-03-03 [Dint]: That's a nice piece of animation you've got there! Wanna walk us through your process?! *very interested* It must have taken forever. O__O It flows really good.

2009-03-03 [Midori]: Actually, was comprised of 8 drawings, and took me under 20 mins!

2009-03-04 [Dint]: 20 minutes?!?!?!
Holy CRAP woman! I have EasyToon for my comp and a simple blinking motion takes me like, AN HOUR. But it looks like you used paper...HOW?! HOOOW?!

2009-03-04 [Lashana]: Neato! A new animation! It came out really great. Especially for only 20 minutes. You use ImageReady to animate it... right?

2009-03-05 [Midori]: Yep, sure do!

I did use paper. I scanned EACH SEPERATE FRAME. I copied the one before it, to make the motion look more natural. Obviously, I'm still rough on it.

Tonight I'm making a new one! A dangly penis!! Mwahahahaha! I've always wanted to animate a pecker!!! O.o

2009-03-05 [Lashana]: *laughs* You have fun with that. I wanna try making an animation as soon as I get the time. I'm just wondering if I can use Flash instead of Imageready so I don't have to work on the downstairs computer...

2009-06-08 [Dint]: You're pumping out some amazing art, Midori! KEEP 'EM COMING! :D Love your new stuff!!

2009-10-05 [His L♥ve M♥nster]: :O!!!! I JUST realized that you have a drawing of Jareth the Goblin King!!!!!!!!!!!!! *DIES* I LOVE that movie.. Seriously. ^________________________________^

2009-10-18 [Midori]: Lol. I wish I could draw more, I just don't have the time with two jobs now. My days off are days of rest, o\lol. I miss you all.

2009-12-22 [His L♥ve M♥nster]: That Lion King one... SOOOOO amazing!!!!

2009-12-22 [Midori]: Thanks, I thought you'd like!

2009-12-28 [Midori]: Aww, look at all my beauty and the beast junk..

2010-01-07 [Lashana]: Ohhh, wooowwww. Preettty Simba O.o You did such a great job blending your colors, it looks like oils instead of acrylics

2010-01-22 [Lashana]: Oh, wow! Is that... the unicorn lady whose name I can't remember from "The Last Unicorn?" I really like the composition on that one, especially the border. I love the other one too, man! You draw feet so friggin good. *can't draw feet to save her life ^^; * I love how you colored her hair. Is she a weretiger?

2010-01-24 [Midori]: Yeah, she is from the last unicorn, and her name is Amalthea. I really wasn't sure what the nude lady was gonna be, but I had more in the mind of a forest sprite than anything else. like a Cat spirit or something.

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