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lovinglette (i have to having problems love you all)

Member #17914 created: 2005-05-16 06:10:03Simple URL:   

Name: Bree or Assy

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AdventurerSex-monsterCrazy kid

I have brownish red hair,my hair is a little above my shoulders.My eyes are light blue.My skin is partially tanned.People say I'm attractive but I don't think I'm that good looking. I dress how I feel. If you don't like then fuck off fucken cunt ass bitch! Bleh!!

I mostly listen to ICP,ABK,Dark Lotus, okay the whole fucken Dark Carnival.I listen to the Kotton Mouth Kings,Marylin Manson,and all kinds of ther shit!!

1) Name: Briana
2) AKA: Bree,Assy,Hippie,Psycho
3) Country of living: U.S.A
4) Birth date: 7 4 89
5) Height: 5'9"
6) Eye color: blueish silver
7) Shoe size: 10 in woman's
8) School: Union Colony Prepatory School
9) Do you smoke:wat do you think?
10) Hobby's: singing,dancing,drawing,writing poetry,hanging out with my friends
11) Brothers/Sisters: 2 older brothers
12) Relationship: no
13) Piercing(s): ears hope to soon have belly button
14) Tattoo: hopefully soon
15) Favorite Country to go to: want to go to italy
16) Are there people you wont reply to: no
17) Nicest person you met this year: umm... i dunno
18) Person you rather not have met this year: i dunno
19) Who would you like to meet: i dunno
20) Who do you admire most: i dunno
21) Most sexy person(s): i dunno
22) Favorite Pajamas: spankees and a T
23) Favorite Car: the GTO off of Triple X
24) Favorite Movie(s): Big Money Hustlas, House of 1000 Corpses and Gacy
25) Favorite Music: almost anything
26) Favorite City(s): i dunno
27) Favorite Plush: my big ol' blanket
28) Favorite Perfume: victoria's secret: heveanly and black heart
29) Favorite Magazine: bizarre
30) Favorite sound: rain and cracking glass
31) Favorite TV-series: i dunno
32) Favorite Writer: alan poe
33) Favorite Nickname: Assy or Bree
34) What all is under your bed: EVIL DUST BUNNIES!!
35) Favorite color: blue, black, red, yellow, purple, green, pretty much all of the colors
36) Favorite Song ever: Sunny Days by ABK
37) Favorite song at this moment: I dunno
38) Favorite food: almost anything
39) Favorite class in school: art
40) Favorite drink: STRAWBERRY FAYGO!!!!!!!
41) Lucky number: 3 i guess
42) What do you think is greatest about yourself: i dunno
43) What deodorant do you use: soft and dri
44) Favorite shoes: anything compfertable
45) What time do you go to bed on weekdays: when i fall asleep
46) What word do you use most: fuck
47) Most romantic moment in your life: dont want to remember
48) Most embarassing moment in your life: i dunno dont get emberassed easily
49) You spend your time rather inside or outside: inside
50) What do you do in the weekends: PARTIES
51) What class in school do you dislike most: math
52) Your Breakfast: anything i can grab with a glass of milk
53) What do you really really dislike to eat: PEAS!!
54) Pets: two shitty dogs and two crack headed birds and 1 fat ass slutty cat
55) Laugh or Dream: laugh
56) Serious or funny: both
57) Fast or slow: depends
58) You prefer being alone or have relation:sometimes alone but i know i like to have love
59) Simple or complicated: little of both
60) Cremate or Buried when dead: cremated and barried in a graveyard
61) Sex or Alcohol: sex
62) Stay up late or go to bed early: Late
63) Light or dark: dark
65) Tall or small guys: dont care
66) News paper: no
67) Hug or kiss: kissing while hugging
68) Happy or Sad: both
69) Life or Death: i wish i could be the walking dead
70) Left or Right: right
71) What would you ask God if you could ask him 1 single question: why am i here?
72) You believe in reincarnation: not really
73) You believe in Aliens:no
74) When you die, what will be your last words: ill always be down with the clowns
75) Does true love exist: it can
76) How many kids would u like to have: at least 3
77) What is the one thing you can't stand: people who mumble while trying to sing
78) Best feeling: standing in the rain
79) Worst feeling in the world: loneliness
80) What are you afraid of: being alone all the time
81) Are you an emotional person: i can be
82) Do you ever cry during a movie: nope not yet i know i will though in at least one
83) Your goal in life: to always be myself
84) What was the promise you made to yourself at new years eve: calm down on pot
85) Favorite art-artist: i dunno dont have one
86) As what animal would you like to reincarnate: dont belive in it but if iwere to a panther
87) Favorite Cartoons: looney tunes
88) Who is your best friend: dont have one right could but i dont
89) Boys names (kids): i dunno
90) Girls names (kids): i dunno
91) Animal: panther
92) Game(s): i dunno
93) If you could make your own flavor of toothpaste, what would it be?: strawberry faygo
94) What super hero would you be? my own
95) Make up a word and a meaning to go with it: umm.....
96) Do your friends think you're dumb? i dunno
97) If you met the REAL Santa Claus, what would you wish for?: a life time supply of faygo and every type of hatchet ever made

Yes OR NO Questions
1. Smoked a cigarette: yes
2. Smoked a cigar: no
3. Snorted coke: yes never do it again bleh caca
4. Smoked Weed: oh yeah
5. Been high: fuck yeah
6. Had sex: oh yeah
7. Said "I hope you die" to someone: yes
8. Tried to kill someone: attempted
9. Tried to kill yourself: yes
10. Got in a fist fight: kind of i wouldnt hit her back
11. Lied to your parents: yeah
12. Given someone a bruise: yes
13. Ditched someone: yes
14. Freak danced: all the time
15. Stole something: yes
16. Cut yourself: yes
17. Skipped school: yes
18. Hung up on someone: yes
19. Threw up at school: no ive tried but it didnt work
20. Done someone else's make-up:yeah
21. Kissed someone of the same sex: ive made out crazy head
22. Had a burping contest: yes i always win
23. Snuck out: yes
24. Been to a school dance: yes
25. Thought your teacher was hot: he wasa student teacher does that count

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Age: 16Year of birth: 1989Month of birth: 7Day of birth: 4

Gender: female

What do you do?: Something in between

Place of living: USA-Colorado

Exact place of living: greeley

Known languages

Elfpack crew wannabe: No

adult popalternativegoth
heavy metalhip hopnew age
progressive metalpunkrap

Other interests
animalsartcard games
carscrime storiesdancing

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: both sexes

Body shape: tentacle monster

Height: 180

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