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Pyrolizzard (aching memory! too many memories at once!! AHH!!!)

Member #29667 created: 2005-10-02 19:32:24Simple URL:   

Name: Levi "Pyro" Rusco

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Tell me this: is the consetution garentees the freedom of speach, why cant we swear in school?
i got a new website
i kno this sounds really weird coming from a guy but i was told to put it

If you had me alone, locked up in your room for 24 hours, and I had to do whatever you wanted me to do, what would you do with me? Post this in your house.

send me your answer to this question
*10 Commandments of a Teenager*

1-- thou shall not sneak out when parents
are sleeping. [why wait?]

2--thou shall not do drugz [alcohol last longer]

3--thou shall not steel from k-mart.
[Wal*Mart has a bigger selection]

4--thou shall not get arrested for
vandalism. [destruction has a bigger effect]

5--thou shall not steel from thy parents.
[every-1 knows grandma has more money]

6--thou shall not get in fights. [just start them]

7--thou shall not skip class. [just take the whole day off]

8--thou shall not strip in class. [hooters pays more]

9--thou shall not think about having sex.
[as nike says just do it]

10--thou shall not help old ladies cross
the street. [just leave them in the middle]

: 12 Ways To Get To A Girls Heart-- 1. Hugs her from behind. 2. Grab her hand when you guys walk next to each other. 3. When standing, wrap your arms around her. 4. Cuddle with her. 5. Dont force her to do ANYTHING! 6. Write little notes. 7. Compliment her. 8. When you hug her, hold her in your arms as long as possible. 9. Say I love you.....and MEAN IT! 10. Brush the hair out of her eyes 11. Comfort her when she cries. 12. Love her with all your heart Girls- Repost this if you think its sweet. Guys- Repost this if you would do any of it
I enjoy doin whatever the hell i feel like, but most of the time I try to stay within "The Rules" because yes im 15 witch mean i still live with my mom, if i lived with my dad it wouldnt be a problem, hes awesome, he would even help me. (depending on the situation)
"just how deep do you belive? Will you bite the hand that feeds?" -NIИ (yay found the backwords N)

"come on guys arguing about music is stupid every one has their own tastes," Bodomite (on the COB forum)

"i don't give a flying fuck mother fucker" Allu

"We are the Hate Crew, we stand and we wont fall,
we're all for none and none for all,
fuck you! we'll Fight till the last hit
and shure as hell we aint talkin no shit" -Children Of Bodom

"it's my world your in it, ill take you down in a minute" Allu
i have some disagreements with this stupid test but every one is taking it
Paranoid: High
Quick Summary:

Paranoid personality disorder is characterized by a distrust of others and a constant suspicion that people around you have sinister motives. People with this disorder tend to have excessive trust in their own knowledge and abilities and usually avoid close relationships. They search for hidden meanings in everything and read hostile intentions into the actions of others. They are quick to challenge the loyalties of friends and loved ones and often appear cold and distant. They usually shift blame to other people and tend to carry long grudges.
MY ARGUEMENT: none here I am paranoid but its not really paranoia because ive heard the talk

Schizoid: High
Quick Summary:

People with schizoid personality disorder avoid relationships and do not show much emotion. Unlike avoidants, schizoids genuinely prefer to be alone and do not secretly wish for popularity. They tend to seek jobs that require little social contact. Their social skills are often weak and they do not show a need for attention or acceptance. They are perceived by others as humorless and distant and often are termed "loners."
MY ARGUEMENT: this is true i do avoid relationships but only because im afraid of the break-ups, when i love i love with all i have and it crushes me to end that

Schizotypal: Moderate
Quick Summary:

Many believe that schizotypal personality disorder represents mild schizophrenia. The disorder is characterized by odd forms of thinking and perceiving, and individuals with this disorder often seek isolation from others. They sometimes believe to have extra sensory ability or that unrelated events relate to them in some important way. They generally engage in eccentric behavior and have difficulty concentrating for long periods of time. Their speech is often over elaborate and difficult to follow
MY ARGUEMENT: i dont know that i would concider this a disorder, i talk with my dad alot and he has a HUGE IQ so in order to keep up with him i had to become highly intellegent and gain a larger vocabulary, so, by acedent, it somtimes is hard to follow me

Antisocial: Low
Quick Summary:

A common misconception is that antisocial personality disorder refers to people who have poor social skills. The opposite is often the case. Instead, antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a lack of conscience. People with this disorder are prone to criminal behavior, believing that their victims are weak and deserving of being taken                                                                             advantage of. Antisocials tend to lie and steal. Often, they are careless with money and take action without thinking about consequences. They are often agressive and are much more concerned with their own needs than the needs of others.
MY ARGUEMENT: none here
Borderline: Low
Quick Summary:

Borderline personality disorder is characterized by mood instability and poor self-image. People with this disorder are prone to constant mood swings and bouts of anger. Often, they will take their anger out on themselves, causing injury to their own body. Suicidal threats and actions are not uncommon. Borderlines think in very black and white terms and often form intense, conflict-ridden relationships. They are quick to anger when their expectations are not met.
MY ARGUEMENT:i have, several times, threatend suiside after break-ups, because i feel empty and worthless

Histrionic: High
Quick Summary:

People with histrionic personality disorder are constant attention seekers. They need to be the center of attention all the time, often interrupting others in order to dominate the conversation. They use grandiose language to discribe everyday events and seek constant praise. They may dress provacatively or exaggerate illnesses in order to gain attention. Histrionics also tend to exaggerate friendships and relationships, believing that everyone loves them. They are often manipulative.
MY ARGUEMENT:I dont seek atention, exept from people i think i like, im not at all manipulative i only manipulate statments to soften the blow, so to speak, for people i love

Narcissistic: Moderate
Quick Summary:

Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by self-centeredness. Like histrionic disorder, people with this disorder seek attention and praise. They exaggerate their achievements, expecting others to recongize them as being superior. They tend to be choosy about picking friends, since they believe that not just anyone is worthy of being their friend. Narcissists tend to make good first impressions, yet have difficulty maintaining long-lasting relationships. They are generally uninterested in the feelings of others and may take advantage of them.
MY ARGUEMENT:I do make good first impressions and do have trouble with long term relations only because its hard for me to find people who will acept me

Avoidant: High
Quick Summary:

Avoidant personality disorder is characterized by extreme social anxiety. People with this disorder often feel inadequate, avoid social situations, and seek out jobs with little contact with others. Avoidants are fearful of being rejected and worry about embarassing themselves in front of others. They exaggerate the potential difficulties of new situations to rationalize avoiding them. Often, they will create fantasy worlds to substitute for the real one. Unlike schizoid personality disorder, avoidants yearn for social relations yet feel they are unable to obtain them. They are frequently depressed and have low self-confidence.
MY ARGUEMENT:i dont care what others think i dont care unless those others are people i love

Dependent: Very High
Quick Summary:

Dependent personality disorder is characterized by a need to be taken care of. People with this disorder tend to cling to people and fear losing them. They may become suicidal when a break-up is imminent. They tend to let others make important decisions for them and often jump from relationship to relationship. Dependents often remain in abusive relationships. Over-sensitivity to disapproval is common. Dependents often feel helpless and depressed.
MY ARGUEMENT:i do not stay in abusive relations. i however do cling, and the only disaproval im oversensitive to is the disaproval of people i think i love

Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate
Quick Summary:

Obsessive-Compulsive personality disorder is similar to obsessive-compulsive anxiety disorder. People with this disorder are overly focused on orderliness and perfection. Their need to do everything "right" often interferes with their productivity. They tend to get caught up in the details and miss the bigger picture. They set unreasonably high standards for themselves and others, and tend to be very critical of others when they do not live up to these high standards. They avoid working in teams, believing others to be too careless or incompetent. They avoid making decisions because they fear making mistakes and are rarely generous with their time or money. They often have difficulty expressing emotion
MY ARGUEMENT:im only this way in my artwork
well contact me for more crap about me

Age: 21Year of birth: 1990Month of birth: 9Day of birth: 14

Gender: male

What do you do?: Something in between

Place of living: USA-Minnesota

Exact place of living: Big Lake

Known languages

Skype Username: pyrolizzard

ICQ number: 219461903

Elfpack crew wannabe: Yes

heavy metalprogressive metalrock

Other interests
carschasing the preferred sexcrime stories
partyrole playingscifi

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: normal

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