[RIP Will Newman / Angel <3]
We lost this incredible man on 5th October 2007. He will eternily be remembered and loved. An intelligent, incredible, awesome, caring, considerate, beautiful man, who didn't deserve any of the bad things that happened to him. He's still with us in our minds, hearts and memories. RIP at last. William Newman memorial
those responsible for this amazing mans death is dead. a small justice for the pain he caused to all who knew Will, and the damage he caused us all. but its some form of closure, if a litte.
once more, i fucking miss you man. --chris.
Okay before SOMEONE else asks, I am a GUY! And I am engaged, yes, to another GUY not a GIRL! OH and I am not a 'fag' so please don't call me that.. I am bisexual and you can't help who you fall in love with so shut up... now. Jeesh! Get over it!! >_<
Full heart, Empty arms
Thoughts of you illuminate my spirit;
Never a flicker of flame but with
Arching bolts which strike with a force
That disturbs my equilibrium.
My mind races as waves of passion flush over
My pale skin, causing me to gaze upon visions
Of impossible romantic possibilities.
Pathetic is this man who anticipates the
True rhythm of love, with a man he will never hold.
My imagined discourse of thoughts leave me suffering,
As my lips quiver with the words I shall never speak
to his: "I have loved you more than anybody in this world."
[Written for my fiance]
* I will not talk to people who can't speak proper English. I'm no pedant, I simply get annoyed with 'hiya sxc, u wana b m8s?' Hate to tell you, but it's sad, ok?
* I will NOT cyber, so don't waste your time if that's what you're after.
* If you want to message me, go ahead, just TRY to think of something a little more imaginative or interesting than 'hi'. I will
not reply to 'hi' or 'how are you' messages!!!
[Got it? Right, now fuck off.]
Read my description before you talk to me. I will know if you haven't. So do so before you press 'send'.
Suicide is a stupid thing... and is the cowards way out of life...
Lonely Shadow] *hugs tight* He is mine
Vaughne] My bestest buddeh! She has helped me SO much and I love her for it
The Hidden Flame] He is my mate from LIFE! I know it't astonishing! And he's a waaaaaaaaaaaaa
aaaaanker! Lol j/k love you really, Chris
[Echoes in the moonlight] Heehee it't Lana! I forced her to join and I love her! She is my bestest girl mate outside of EP of course! ^__^
[emzy] It's Emz my cousin... she's family so fuck with her you fuck with me so... how to put this politely... BACK THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER YOU PERVS!!!!
[Empty~Soul] KIKI! She's mine, all mine! Not yours mine!!!! MWHAHA MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
[Spoonmad] BEN! BEN! BEN! We are friends in killing XD
[~..cristina..~] I haven't known her long but she's a really nice girl and don't go judging her by her looks or name she's ace.
[i yell at my monkey] Okay this dude is weirdly awesome! XD
[kyraawr] KYRA!!! MINE!!! ALL MINE!!! *glomps* My first love :)
[Demon in my View] NO TOUCHY MY DAUGHTER!!! ^_^ I loves Aerial
[Glover.] He's a CRAZY KID
[Luna Armonial] This girl is just amazing. I admire her so much and she's a really good friend
[madness] She is just ACE and DO NOT mess with her or you answer to me
[The Incredible Bulk] Alice is one of the bravest people I know and I am honoured to have met her. She is also my little sister so if you HURT HER you will ANSWER TO ME as her BIG BROTHER and PROTECTOR
[nevan] Nevi's pretty cool!
[Stupid Angel] If you hurt her I will snap you in two.
[phoenixborn] IT'S MY HOE!!!!!!!!! Heh wuff joo David XD
[Necrobioticrash] Although Eva scares me... alot sometimes (she likes spiked dildos 0_o) she is a really nice person (sometimes) and well she deserves a place here just for being her
[shinobi14] Danny is like.... amazing. Full stop. A really good mate and one who I really know I can trust.
[Lyon Armonial the healer] Lyon is a really cool guy and he is very...... strange... but in a good way ^_^
[Polar ♥] Jared or Blade is a really good guy and a great one to talk to, he will always cheer you up (somehow... don't know how he does it!)
[;;Melodrama Junkie] Lexi ish one of my bestest buddehs and I loves her so NO MEAN or.... death will follow
[i love david tennant FULL STOP] Okay this girl is very insane which suits me as I am too!
[Lex] YAY IT'S MY WIFEY!!!! WOOP WOOP! I wuff her ^_^
My Family
[My Mummy!=] [Luna Armonial]
[My daddy!=] [Lyon Armonial the healer]
[My wife=] [Lex] , [kyraawr]
[My husband=] [Lonely Shadow]
[My Sister(s)!=] [The Incredible Bulk] , [Echoes in the moonlight]
[My Brother(s)!=] [Asator Stormbringer] ,[Spoonmad]
[My Cousin(s)=] [emzy] , [madness]
[My Grandma=] [.CuntNugget.]
[My Grandpa=] [I be THE MAT!]
[My Uncle=]
[My Son(s)=] [shinobi14]
[My Daughter(s)=] [~..cristina..~] , [Demon in my View]
[My Emo Kid (s)=] [Lithium.]
[My Girlfriend!=] [Empty~Soul]
[My Boyfriend!=] [Lonely Shadow]
[My Whore(s)=] [The Hidden Flame] ,[kyraawr] , [phoenixborn]
[My Idol=]
[My Stalker(s)=] [kyraawr] , [The Hidden Flame]
[My Bitch(s)=] [Empty~Soul]
[My Hottie(s)=] [Gorgous gal] [It was just my imagination.]
[My Partner in Crime=] [kyraawr]
[My Guardian Angel=] [Vaughne] , [Stupid Angel]
[My Baby girl=] [Lex]
[My Secret Admirer(s)=] [kyraawr]
[My Megan=] [Fear of the Soul]
[My Body guard(s)=] [kyraawr] , [Vaughne] ,[The Incredible Bulk] , [Stupid Angel]
[My Butler=] [Supernova.]
[My Pets=][;;Melodrama Junkie]
[My Mutated Lizard=] [Necrobioticrash]
[My Soulmate=][Lonely Shadow]
^^^^^^^^^^^######## ### ##^^#^^^^^^
It's Angel!!! this is the wiki page my best friend on here Bryony [Vaughne] made for me ^__^ Visit and join if you want, but be warned; it's all about me so if you don't like me, back away now ^__^
Oh and FYI if ANYONE hurts her, I WILL find out about it and I WILL hurt them VERY severly, so BACK OFF!
Mwhahaha.... Bryony's amazing sister Eva has now made her a wiki page (I was gonna do it first damn it, but was too slow 0_o) and now she has one toooooooo! BRYONY! JOIN NOW GOD DAMNIT OR YOU WILL DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These are the ACE pictures my little sister Alice did for me! [The Incredible Bulk]
It's amazing!!!!
What the fantabulous Kyra gave me! Love you hun xxx
**I have long hair past my shoulders, which is naturally dark brown, and very dark brown eyes.
My real name isn't relevent, so just call me Angel, but I also answer to 'Oi you'**
***I'll talk to pretty much anyone, but please don't get offened if I'm a jerk. I have severe mood swings, and I say my mind, so sorry in advance.***
*** My goth name is Dead Pleasures, to find out what your goth name is go to ***
For those of you who have given me protection banners, thank you very much, and you will find them here: Angel's protectors CLICK ON IT NOW!!!! (you know you want to...)
All about yourself...
First name?:: Will
Middle name?:: Yeah okay I'm so gonna tell you
Like your name?:: First yes, second no
Named after anyone?:: No
Any nicknames?:: Angel
Age?:: 17
Birthdate?:: 25 July 1990
Birthplace?:: I was born at home
Time you were born?:: I don't know, I was too preoccupied with being pushed through a vagina
Current location?:: Don't know, do you?
Height?:: Around 6'1
Like your height?:: Yes
Eye color?:: Dark brown
Contacts/glasses?:: No
Hair color?:: Dark brown
Natural hair color?:: Dark brown
Dye your hair often?:: When I can be bothered
Righty or lefty?:: Lefty
Your favorite...
Type of music?:: Metal
Band or singer?:: Don't know, perhaps Slipknot
TV show?:: Jackass
Movie?::: Don't know
TV channel?:: Don't know
Radio station?:: The radio sucks dick
Place to be?:: Out
Thing to do?:: Be alone
Food?:: Cumcumber strangly
Non alcoholic drink?:: Water
Alcoholic drink?:: Don't drink alcohol much
Animal?:: Dog
Holiday?:: All of them
Season?:: Autumn
Sport?:: Rugby
Place to shop?:: Anywhere
Clothing brand?:: Don't know
Scent?:: Don't know
Restaurant?:: Don't know
Fruit?:: Apple
Vegetable?:: Parsnips
Fast food restaurant?:: KFC
Pizza topping?:: Pepperoni
Ice cream flavor?:: All of them together
Magazine?:: Don't read magazines much
City?:: Don't know
Color?:: Black
Number?:: 11
This or that...
Chocolate or vanilla?:: Chocolate
Pepsi or coke?:: Pepsi
Hot or cold?:: Cold
Black or white?:: Black
Dog or cat?:: Dog
French toast or pancakes?:: Pancakes
French fries or onion rings?:: Fries
Hamburger or hot dog?:: Hot Dog
Pepperoni or sausage?:: Pepperoni
Britney or Christina?:: Both look like men
McDonalds or Burger King?:: Don't like either
50 Cent or Eminem?:: Are both twats
Canada or Mexico?:: Canada
Hug or kiss?:: Neither
Movies or TV?:: TV
Truth or dare?:: Dare
Do you...
Shower daily?:: Yes
Sing in the shower?:: No
Like to sing?:: No
Like to dance?:: No
Smoke?:: No
Drink?:: No
Cuss?:: Yes
Talk to yourself?:: Used to, when I had no one else to tell
Believe in yourself?:: Wish I could
Play an instrument?:: Guitar
Go to school?:: Yes
Go to college?:: Not yet
Have a job?:: Yes
Like your job?:: Not really
Want to get married?:: If I trust them, yes
Want to have kids?:: I never want to have sex again
Get along with your parents?:: Yeah, they really helped me when I needed it, a shame it was 4 years too late
Get along with your siblings?:: I only have one brother and I haven't seen him in about 5 years
Drive?:: Soon
Do you think you're trustworthy?:: Yes
Think your funny?:: Don't know
Ever toilet papered someones house?:: No
Gone garbage can tipping?:: Yes
What are your parents names?:: Donna and Steve
Siblings names?:: Nick
Do you wash your hands frequently?:: Yes
How many time a day do you brush your teeth?:: Two
Collect anything?:: No
Ever been in love?:: Yes
In love right now?:: Yes
What color pants are you wearing right now?:: Jeans
How does your hair look?:: Wet
Ever had your heartbroken?:: Yes
Ever broken the law?:: Yes
Been arrested?:: Yes
Been out of the country?:: Yes
Can you stick your fist in your mouth?:: No
When was the last time you got drunk?:: Once
Do you do drugs?:: No, and never will
When was the last time you were high on anything?:: Never
Do you prefer the lights on or off?:: On
Would you ever get plastic surgery?:: NO
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:: Boxers
Do you like to laugh?:: When I do it's enjoyable
Ever had a bloody nose?:: Yes
Have you ever caught a fish?:: No
What was the last thing you ate?:: A apple
What time do you go to bed?:: When I'm tried
What's your favorite color?:: Black
The happiest you've been?:: When he died
The unhappiest you've been?:: When he was alive
Favourite childhood memory?:: My childhood was stolen from me.
Do you like to give or recieve?:: Give
Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?:: Yes
Do you live alone?:: No
Do you own a blender?:: No
Do you like the snow?:: Yes
Ever been up a mountain?:: Yes
Ever been rootin'?:: What?
Do you like surprises?:: Not really
**** I am not religious. I was brought up as a catholic, but I'm atheist. Please don't message me about my views looking for a debate. I have my reasons for not believing. In my opinion, if God was there, he would watch over his 'children' with more care and wouldn't let horrible things happen to them.****

anti-rape members 2
my truth No more lies... this is my story
Beauty Comes In All Shapes & Sizes
anti-rape members 2
Nevi's Posse
KiKi For Crew JOIN FOR KIKI! [Empty~Soul]
It's Angel!!! My wiki page XD
BRYONY! Bryony's wiki!!! Join it noooooooow!!!!!
Angel's protectors My protection banners
my friendsss!!! This is for my best friends on here, and I'm sorry it's not much but it's something at least!!!
[I'm on others but they are private and none of your buisness!]
START: (x= yes, _= no)
(x) snuck out of the house?
(_) gotten lost in your city?
(_) saw a shooting star?
(x) been to any other countries besides Canada?
(x) had a serious surgery?
(x) gone out in public in your pajamas?
(_) kissed a stranger?
(x) hugged a stranger?
(x) been arrested?
(_) laughed and had milk/coke come out of your nose?
(x) pushed all the buttons on an elevator?
(x) jumped up and down in the elevator to get stuck?
(x) swore at your parents?
(x) been in love?
(X) been close to love?
(x) been to a casino?
(_) been skydiving?
(x) broken a bone?
(_) been high?
(x) been drunk?
(x) skipped school?
(_) flashed someone?
(x) gotten in a fist fight?
(x) been suspended?
(x) had anger management?
(_) done the splits?
(x) played spin the bottle?
(x) gotten stitches?
(_) drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?
(X) bitten someone?
(X) made someone bleed?
(_) been to Niagara Falls?
(X) gotten the chicken pox?
(X) kissed a member of the opposite sex?
(x) kissed a member of the same sex
(_) crashed into someones car?
(_) been to Japan?
(X) ridden in a taxi?
(x) Been dumped?
(x) had a crush on someone of the same sex?
(x) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?
(_) gone on a blind date?
(X) lied to a friend?
(_) had a crush on a teacher?
(_) celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans?
(x) been to Europe?
(_) slept with a co-worker?
(_) been to Africa?
(x) Driven over 400 miles in one day?
(_) Been to Canada?
(_) Been to Mexico?
(x) Been on a plane?
(_) Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show-?
(x) Thrown up in a bar?
(x) Purposely set a part of yourself on fire?
(_) Eaten Sushi?
(_) Been skiing/snowboarding?
(_) Met someone in person from the internet?
(x) Cheated on a test?
(x) lost a child?
(_) gone to college?
(_) graduated college?
(_) done hard drugs?
(x) tried killing yourself?
(x) fired a gun?
(X) purposely hurt yourself?
(X) taken painkillers?
(_) been married? (but been engaged)
(_) gotten divorced?
(_) had children?
(X) seen someone?
(x) had a close friend die?
(x) love someone or miss someone right now
Paranoid: Very High
Schizoid: High
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: Moderate
Borderline: Very High
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: Low
Avoidant: High
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate
Wow now those results are encouraging!
The people who mean the world to me, or meant the world to me

I would have risked everything to save her life, everything, my baby sister Isabelle when she was newly born... But I couldn't save her, and for that I will always blame myself. My beautiful sister... might as well have been my daughter. I love her so much...

My daughter, Jenny Louise. I love her more than life itself... and I wish with all my heart that she had made it... Again, I couldn't save her... the one thing a father should be able to do...

Possibly the best friend I ever had... ever. Jimmy, the most caring, intelligent, happy, fun and amazing friend I have ever known, and I miss him so much. Once again, I couldn't save him.