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Stars and Rainbows (Fly on my magic carpet ride)

Member #45061 created: 2006-10-21 23:07:49Simple URL:   

Name: Lizzabeth Michelle


Very old picture... it's from prom... Which was last year...LOL...

Image missing.

Ummm... Theres not to much to say about me, I pretty much do the same shit all the time. I chill with people I know, sometimes people I don't. I am very friendly and I am nice to everyone, unless they get on my bad side. I like to meet new people. And to the guys who talk to women because they think there sexy, I am not one of those women to bother with. I am A LESBIAN!!! I don't want a man, so don't try...

Age: 17

Gender: female

What do you do?: Studying

Place of living: USA-Texas

Exact place of living: Waco

eurodiscofolk musicgoth
grungeheavy metalhouse
new agepoppunk

Other interests
artbeerchasing the preferred sex

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: same sex

Body shape: normal

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