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quandike (Freaking Hilarious: Reborn)

Member #48311 created: 2007-06-05 01:38:15Simple URL:   

Name: Stinky S. Pete


Metallica is the best band ever



Elfpack titles and orders
Crazy kid

Wolf Lover's of EP my little sister [wolvie]'s wiki check it out its kinda cool

Feel free to send me a message if your bored or just want to talk to someone freindly but be warned that I already have a girlfriend and I'm expecting a baby. I'm a very fun loving and goofy person so if you like to laugh message me

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I can belch Latin on demand I'm in love with the best girl in the world and I'm going to be a father soon I hope that I have a little girl. I love to listen to heavy metal especially Metallica. I'm training to be an electriction so that I can have lots of money to spend on my baby and my girl


I have a reall love for rock n roll and heavy metall the heavier the better and my hero is Randy Rhoads may he forever rest in peace.

Tigers are my favorite animal of all time closely followed by the california gull

My friends are:
1.[wolvie]-She's my litter sister and I love her very much
2.[~Lil BabyMama~]-She's a really nice and easy to talk to person


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I'm a huge animal lover and I want to get a choclate lab very badly but I'm going to wait untill my kid gets to be about 2 or 3 and then buy one to be the kids pet


Age: 27Year of birth: 1986Month of birth: 7Day of birth: 22

Gender: male

What do you do?: Working

Place of living: USA-Utah

Exact place of living: Bountiful

Known languages

heavy metalrock

Other interests
travellingwatching sport

Civil status: live together with partner

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: muscular

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