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Foofy (everyheart beat is amazing)

Member #52557 created: 2008-08-07 21:06:56Simple URL:   

Name: Cherry


The sun kinda made a glare


Okay this is a newer pic of me.

Elfpack titles and orders
AdventurerCrazy kid

Hi my name is Cherry A.K.A Chocolate. Why Chocolate? Because I can't get enough of it. I love writing about fantasy and I watch the Sci Fi channel because it has all of my favorite shows and my favorite horror movies. I was born on Halloween which is awesome because it's my favorite holiday and I get to open up gifts and then go get candy! But I have red hair which I love because I always think of strawberries when I see it in a mirror lol Also because I stand out more and I can do alot of things to it. I love my blue eyes but sometimes I put in green contacts and it makes me look like a fairy. I also think because my ears are a little pointy. But I love to write and talk so please feel free to message me.


[DarknessLuver_18] He's my hot sexy friend and no one better mess with him!

[Kiss Me!] She's so cool and just totally awesome! So be nice to her too!

[Cell-o] He's really nice and cool to talk to!

[aditpoddar] He's really nice to talk to and he comes from India!

[ jt-189027 ] He's one of my newest friends and is very nice!

Some More Stuff About Me
* Name: Cherry
* Nickname: Chocolate Lover, Sweet Cherry
* Birth date: October 31, 1989
* Birthplace: Ireland
* Current location: Michigan
* Eye color: Blue
* Hair color: Red but I always dye it different shades
* Height: 5' 3
*Righty or lefty: Righty
Your Self
* Your heritage: Irish and French
* Your weakness: Chocolate and puppy eyes
* Your fears: I'm fearless
*Your perfect pizza: Triple Cheese With Bacon and Ham :P yumm
*Goal you'd like to achieve: Living to be at least 90
* Your most overused phrase on AIM: I lovessss yooou!!!!
* Your thoughts first waking up: Damn what a dream ;)
* Your best physical feature: Hmm I guess my eyes or my butt lol
* Your bedtime: Whenever I want it to be
*Your most missed memory: Hmm...Dunno I think to much lol
You Like
* Soda: oooohhhh I love sodas
* Fast food joint: hmm...any I guess
* Single or group dates: It All Depends
* Adidas or Nike: Both
* Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Neither
* Chocolate or vanilla: Both
*Cappuccino or coffee: Both
Do You
* Smoke: Nah
* Cuss: Yes
* Sing: Yes
* Take a shower every day: Every Day
* Have a crush(es): Maybe
* Do you think you've been in love: Yes
* Want to go to college: Yes
* Like high school: Not Really Too Much Drama
* Want to get married: Maybe
* Believe in yourself: Yes
* Get motion sickness: No
* Think you're attractive: Once In A While
* Think you're a health freak: No
* Get along with your parents: Dont Really
* Like thunderstorms: Yes
*Play an instrument: No

In The Past Month
* Drank alcohol: Yes
* Smoked: No
* Done a drug: No
*Had sex: No
*Made out: No
* Gone on a date: No
* Gone to the mall: Yes
*Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Yes
* Eaten sushi: Yes
*Been on stage: No
*Gone skating: Yes
* Made homemade cookies: Yes
*Gone skinny-dipping: No
* Dyed your hair: Yes
* Stolen anything: Maybe...
*Played a game that required removal of clothing: Once
*Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: No
*Been caught doing something: Yes
*Been called a tease: A few times
*Gotten beaten up: No
* Shoplifted: Yes
When Do You
* Age you hope to be married: Don't know
* Numbers and names of children: Dont really want kids
*Describe your dream wedding: To long to explain
*How do you want to die: I don't know
* Where do you want to go to college: Maybe Delta
*What country would you most like to visit: Ireland Just to see everyone again
*Best eye color: Blue or Green
* Best hair color: I like any color
*Short or long hair: Dunno
* Height: Close to my height or little bit taller
* Best weight: Doesn't matter
* Best articles of clothing: hoodies
*Best first date location: Anywhere we could have fun
* Best first kiss location: Lips or neck ;)
The Number's
*Number of drugs taken illegally: None
*Number of people I could trust with my life: 2
*Number of CDs that I own: Alot
* Number of piercing: 2 *my ears*
* Number of tattoos: None yet
* Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: Not a once
* Number of scars on my body: Hmm...I dont get scars I just get scratches
* Number of things in my past that I regret: Just a few

Age: 19Year of birth: 1989Month of birth: 10Day of birth: 31

Gender: female

What do you do?: Something in between

Place of living: USA-Michigan

Known languages
EnglishIrish Gaelic

gothhip hopnew age

Other interests
boardgamesbookscard games
carscatschasing the preferred sex
cookingcrime storiesdancing
partypoetryrole playing

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: unknown

Body shape: thin

Height: 163

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