Page name: The Fallen Kingdom-Characters [Exported view] [RSS]
2012-04-14 08:15:15
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Copy and paste below, No anime pictures please.((Doesn't have to fit the time era, we'll get the picture.)) Oh, and soething on Vampires, no, they don't become crispy critters in the sun, and no, they sure as hell don't sparkle... They look like humans, their eyes can be any color, but become red as they get hungery.


The Fallen Kingdom, The Fallen Palace, High King and Queen

Username:[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]
Name:Jacob Darrel Qualthrough
Personality:He's cold and distant, almost seams stuck up, but he just doesn't have much to say
Rank/Occupation:He's Alucard's sole advisor as well as High General
Weapons:He has a sword, but he loves to use his hands to tear people into pieces
History:Jacob was a human before, the leader of his clan in the Highlands. Allucard was expanding his kingdom and came through, attacking the small clan. Most were killed, but Jacob was strong and Alucard could see that. Alucard changed Jacob himself and then started him out. After only one hundred years of service, Jacob gained his current Rank. He's not sure he likes this deal between Allucard-who has become his friend- and is ready at any moment to attack the kingdom again.

Username:[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]
Name: Nykyrian Mont
Personality:Quiet, maybe a little cynical. Sees things for what they are.
Rank/Occupation: He's an archer, though lately with Alucard here, he sticks to the forest.
Weapons:His bow and arrow. He also has four throwing daggers.
History:Nyk has lived in this kingdom his entire life. His parents lived in the forest, and raised him there. But he wanted more out of life, so he went to the king and queen when he knew how to use a bow well enough. He became an archer for them, but never really meshed with the people there. Not until he found a woman who brought him out of his quiet state. They lived happily for nearly twenty years when Alucard brought war to them and she was killed in the battle. He's retreated back to the forest now.

Username: [Cerulean Sins]
Name: Faye Harman
Race: Witch
Personality: She is a sweetheart, kind, caring person but she is also stubborn, strong willed, sees the good in people.
Rank/Occupation:Sahiri's only lady in waiting, and also her closest friend
Weapons: She has a dagger straped to her thigh under her dress at all times.
History:She was orphaned at a young age due to illness. Sahiri's parents took her in and made her Sahiri's playmate and lady in waiting.
Other(optional): She loves muisc, it's her one and only weak spot.

Username: [Cerulean Sins]
Name: Lady Yvette De La Cruz
Age: 550
Race: Vampire
Personality: Sadistic, cold and heartless (at times).Vain, brutal, ambitious, loyal, athletic, single-minded, boastful, frustrated.Yvette loves seducing men. She toys with them until they are no longer any fun. Then she discards them as quickly as she got them. She is a persistent person who always gets what – and who – she wants.
Rank/Occupation: She is Lord Alucard ward. (which means she kinda of like a daughter to him. Right of guardianship exercised by lord over a minor)
Weapons: Whip that is wrapped around her waist, a dagger that is strapped to her thigh, sword that is strapped to her back and finally sai which are strapped to her lower back.
History: Before Yvette was turned into a vampire by Alucard, she was a female assassin, she would marry rich men then kill them a month after they got married then she would just disppear with the money that her late husbands left her. She was known as the deathly angel of France. But her rep got so bad and evil that is when Alucard paid her a visit and made her his ward by turning into a vampire.
Other(optional): She loves ab neg blood.

Username: [Cerulean Sins]
Name: Cale Valens
Age: 29
Race: Witch
Personality: He's a good person but he is very cynical person and finds it hard to show his emotions to others.
Rank/Occupation: Blacksmith
Weapons: Sword
History: Cale grew up in Kona his whole life. He took over the Blacksmith shop from his father when he died four years ago. Cale has six sisters and half of them are married and with children. Cale's other three sisters have been sent away to their Grandfather and Grandmother ,on their father's side of the family, to keep them safe from Alucard. He tried to get his mother to go with his sisters but she was having none of it. Cale spends all his time in the shop because he is busy making weapons on the side for the village people.

Username:[Sonya Blue]
Personality:Strong, Careful, Stubborn, and serious in battle, very protective of her friends, will go to the ends of the earth for the ones she loves.
Weapons:Sword, and Chakram
History:Was once a great and powerful warlord, who ransacked and killed villages all over, she was feared and known all over, a lot of people wanted her dead, Until one day she saw the error of her ways. She gave it all up, and decided to go back to where she grew up, She began helping people, and did her best to prove to everyone that she was no longer that evil woman anymore.(gonna change her story a bit She made some really great friends, who helped her find her self in a way, one day they were murdered while they slept, Xena was gone when it happened, and returned to find them slaughtered. She vowed revenge, so now she is a warrior in Lord Alucard's army
Other(optional):She has no wish to be a vampire, but knows the posibiltys of staying human are very slim while surrounded by vampires

Username: [MadHatress]
Name: Stephelia D'Artazzi
Age: 45
Race: Human (Sorceress)
Personality/History: Stephelia Describes her life as one of sorrow. She was driven to kill her beloved husband while in battle, causing her to go into a deep depression and become a more sadistic, devious and slightly confused individual. Her face was to later be tattooed by the chief Samoan while on vacation in honor of her husband, but Stephelia never followed through with it. [Facts of interest: She utilizes her 'abilities' to collect skulls and modify them to create elaborate items for rituals that require them. Stephelia also spends a great deal of time flirting and getting to know the men that wander around her on a daily basis; Regardless of their race or dislike for what she is]
Rank/Occupation: Sorceress for hire
weapons: Poisoned sword

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2012-04-13 [MadHatress]: x.x need more men... dammit lol
I'm making a female character. Haven't had a good one in a little while.

2012-04-13 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: lol, I'm thinking of making a male character from Kona.. I'm getting an idea for one at least.

2012-04-13 [MadHatress]: same here. I'm going through old character pages to see what I can come up with

2012-04-13 [Cerulean Sins]: I might make a male character as well....just gotta think of one first lol

2012-04-13 [MadHatress]: so far... it's not been easy

2012-04-13 [Cerulean Sins]: Will finish off my character tomorrow :)

2012-04-13 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Yeah, same... >.< *smacks forehead* Think brain, THINK!

2012-04-13 [Cerulean Sins]: It's almost midnight and my brain is mush at the moment lol maybe a cig might help me think lol

2012-04-14 [MadHatress]: continuing to think... >.>'

2012-04-14 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: lol :D Maybe it'll just pop into your head... That's what happened for me.

2012-04-14 [MadHatress]: eh... i just need to RP

2012-04-14 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: lol, Well, we can do a few comments on this one, just get a tone set before the others get on.

2012-04-14 [MadHatress]: your call, cap'n

2012-04-14 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Alright, I think I'll do an intro and like I said, we can do a little bit of rping :D

2012-04-14 [MadHatress]: :) otay. just a little

2012-04-14 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Yup :D I put up a post in The Fallen Palace :D

2012-04-14 [Cerulean Sins]: Whoooooo! Finished typing up my new character :)

2012-04-14 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sweet :D

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