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Morningstar Rising (Life changes everyday, With it so must we.)
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I am a Final Fantasy Lover
I Love To Draw Space!!!!
Friends & Family, from L 2 R, KingMoonChaotioc, Felumal, Darchoo, Simon, MorningstarRising, Shatureel & laying on ground LadyIriNightHaunter.
My alter ego Felumal
MorningstarRising & MajinSephiroth in Final Fantasy outfits
I love to rp as Paine.
From The Secret Daily Teachings
Good is underneath every single thing that appears to be negative. If we can know that good is all there is, including in a negative situation, then we will see a negative situation transform into all good. Most people keep the good away from themselves because they label something as bad, and then, of course, that becomes their reality. But there is no bad in the Universe; it is just our inability to see things clearly from the bigger perspective.
Peace comes from knowing that good is all that exists.
May the joy be with you,
Rhonda Byrne - The Secret... bringing joy to billions
My avi on dressed in one of my many outfits
MorningstarRising & LectAngelus dressed as nurses in my Final Fantasy Mansion
What If
What if I ran away:
Would that solve all the problems in my head?
What if the world stopped spinning:
Would we all just float away?
What if we never met:
Would our lives still be the same?
What if we had a child:
Would it grow up without any doubts?
What if, What if, What if?
Its the story or our lives.
Written by: [Morningstar Rising] 3/19/09
MorningstarRising & PrinceMoon
Felumal, dancing with my friend StoneAngelo
My friend StoneAngelo
Gender: female
What do you do?: Something in between
Place of living: Travelling around
Exact place of living: Mirkwood dammit!! Middle Earth
Weblog URL:
Elfpack crew wannabe: No
alternative | blues | classical |
goth |
Other interests
animals | anime | art |
books | cats | electronics |
fantasy | poetry | role playing |
scifi | writing |
Civil status: single
Sexual preference: opposite sex
Body shape: normal