I'm a quiet crazy person, I can be really shy and quiet one minute and then crazy random the next.
I'm in love with the most wonderful girl in the world, Tiffany is my rock and without her I don't know where I would be.
I like to write poetry and sometimes short stories when I get the chance.
I love to listen to music, rock, country, music from different countries, anything that moves my soul.
I read alot, most of my books are the paranormal romance novels with werewolves and vampires. I also love to read manga. I love photography.
I love to go in graveyards at night and ghost-hunt with friends, but that stuff shouldn't be taken very lightly since you can be attacked by poltergeist or demons. If you don't believe me then I could care less, I know what I've seen and that's what matters.
When I relax I like to unwind by kicking back and watching tv, or going to the local coffee shop. I don't drink hot coffee, only frozen or iced coffees.
I play DDR. I go to Adventureland almost every Saturday to play it.
I'm a college student taking just basic studies. After I gradute I will go off to another school to be a pet groomer.
I have alot of pets. 2 dogs and 9 cats to be exact. Me and my family rescued them from the streets.
I would say alittle bit more but I feel that would leave out the mystery. So if you wanna know anything else about me, email me.
The room so dark, no light can come through
I stayed as still as I could, for it pained me to move
In the distance I could hear the screams
Their pleas of agony, so horrible to hear
My pain distracted me from their fears
I drew the wire out my cheek and through my sleeve
My bondage tightens as I grieve
Tears, staining this cold concrete floor
Mixing with my crimson life, my blood a steady pour
Sweet light! Hast thou fled from me?
I do not deserve light
I do not deserve joy
I do not deserve all that is good in this world
Darkness consumes me, it ravages my soul
It eats away at my entire being
Pain, sadness, the heartless epidemic tears through me
So violently
I am not the only one with this dark and draining parasite
Look around you
There are many with souls such as I
I am just one voice speaking for those in this dark bondage
Those tortured souls are my kind, my family
So brothers and sisters, stand up!
Break your bondage!
Voice your tortured heart! I invoke thee!
We could begin a new millenia, a new era for our kind!
Brothers and sisters, I have had a revelation!
And with one word I shall share it
The moon shining in the black sky, tinged with a golden glow.
Shining down on me, as I bask in its dark light.
Soaking in the dark rays that reach out to me.
The wind blowing through the trees, swaying the branches.
Then silence.
Nothing. But silence.
Leaves suddenly blow across the street, echoing through the quiet night.
I watch as the shadows from the trees move against the sidewalk.
As they move across my feet.
The wind then moves noisely, as if whispering.
Whispering for me. To be one with the night.
A breeze plays against my face, through my hair.
I smile as it flows across my body, like a lover beckoning to me.
I can hear it calling me, a faint whisper in my ear. Saying,
Come to me. The darkness calls to you. Be one with the night.
I look up, gazing at the moon, mesmerized by its pure beauty.
So pure. So beautiful. So mysterious.
Soon, I say gently. Smiling as the dark light consumes me.
Soon I will be one with the night.
*The Ultimate About Me Survey*
Name: Mandy
DOB: December 21, 1987
Birthplace: Dothan, AL
Current location: Ozark, AL
Eye color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'3
Heritage: Scottish, Irish, French, English
Piercings: Just ears for now
Tattoos: None yet
Band/Singer: Eisley
Song: Skillet-Whispe
rs In The Dark
Genre of Music: Rock mostly
Color(s): Black, Silver, Blue
TV show(s): Grey's Anatomy, House, Supernanny, Wife Swap
Movie(s): Alot lol
Food: Lasagna, steak
Store: Hot Topic, Wal-Mart
#: 5 and 15
Drink: Non-alcholic: Pepsi, alcholic: Smirnoff
Clothing Brand: Anything that looks good on me *wink*
Shoe Brand: Converse
Animal: Wolf
Pizza topping: Mushrooms
Season: Fall
Month: December
Holiday: Halloween and Christmas
Flower: White roses
This or That:
Sunny or rainy: Rainy
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Fruit or veggie: Fruit
Night or day: Night definitely
Sour or sweet: Sweet
Love or money: Love <3
Phone or in person: In person
Poor & happy or rich & miserable: Poor and happy
Looks or personality: Personality
Coffee or tea: Coffee
Hot or cold: Cold
Goal for this year: This year is already over half-way done spend Christmas with my sweetie
Most missed memory: Cuddling with Tiffany on her bed everynight
Best physical feature: My eyes
First thought waking up: Is it morning already? *hides under pillow*
Do you wanna get married: Of course
Do you wanna have kids: Yeh
If so, how many: 2 or 3
Do you wanna go to college: Already in it
What do you want to be: Pet groomer
Do You:
Dance in the rain: Yep yep
Smoke: I don't smoke cigarettes
Drink: Only on weekends
Shower daily: Duh yeh
Like thunderstorms: Mmhm
Curse: Daily
Sing: All the time
Play an instrument: Guitar, I have talented hands ;) hehe
Think you are good looking: I have my good days
Get along with your parents: When I want to
Other Questions:
Can you whistle: Yep
Right or left handed: Righty
Your bedtime: Whenever I feel sleepy
Biggest fear: Dying
3 things you can't live without: My girl, food, air
Color of your room: White for now but soon to be light gray
Siblings: Alas, I'm an only child *pouts*
Middle name: Amanda
Pets: 9 cats and 2 dogs
Nicknames: Tater Tots, Pumpkin, Tomah-san, Sexy Beast
For or against gay marriage: Totally for it, I plan on getting married
Thoughts on abortion: No comment
If you could be anywhere right now where would you be: Holding my love in my arms
Do you wear contacts/glasses: Glasses all the way
Are you afraid of the dark: Nopers