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MartinezChica (Sweetly Loved)

Member #44788 created: 2006-10-02 15:16:20Simple URL:   

Name: Penny

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I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I like reading, writing, listening to music, dancing, and hanging out with my boyfriend. him and I together watch movies, play games, hang out, or go threewheeling or biking.

*Name: Penny
*Nickname: Babygirl, Pen
*Birthdate: 6/10/90
/Birthplace: Joliet,IL
*Hair color: Blonde
*Height: 5'4"
*Righty or lefty: righty
*Your heritage: just about everything
Shoes you wore today: tennies

*Your weakness: love
*Your fears: alot, bugs...losing a loved one
*Your perfect pizza: extra cheese pizza
*Goal you'd like to achieve: Become a dancer

*Your most overused phrase: lol
*Your thoughts first waking up: give me a cig
*Your best physical feature:my butt
*Your bedtime: whenever the hell i feel like it
*Your most missed memory: My grandma and grandpa

*Soda: Pepsi
*Fast food joint: Mc Donalds
*Single or group dates: single
*Adidas or Nike: Adidas (All Day I Dream About Sex)
*Chocolate or vanilla: both
cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino

*Smoke: yes
*Sing: wherever i feel like it and in the mood
*Take a shower every day: mostly
*Have a crush(es): HELL YA
*Do you think you've been in love: YES
*Want to go to college: no
*Like school: no
*Want to get married: yep in 2 years
*Believe in yourself: sometimes
*Get motion sickness: nope
*Think you're attractive: no
*Think you're a health freak: a little
*Get along with your parents: sometimes
Like thunderstorms: yeah
*Play an instrument: no

In the past month...
*Drank alcohol: no
*Smoked: yes
*Done a drug: no
*Had sex: yes
*Made out: 100s
*Gone on a date: kinda
*Gone to the mall: no
*Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no
*Eaten sushi: ewww...
*Been on stage: kinda
*Gone skating: no
*Made homemade cookies: yeah
*Gone skinny-dipping: no
*Dyed your hair: no
*Stolen anything: ya, a lighter from my boyfriends cousin
*Played a game that required removal of clothing: yeah
*Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yeah
*Been caught doing something: ya
*Been called a tease: ya
*Gotten beaten up: no
*Shoplifted: no
*Changed who you were to fit in: no...shouldn't have to

*Age you hope to be married: 18
numbers and names of children: 1 girl Elisa 1 boy named micheal or mitcheal
*Describe your dream wedding: outside with lots of flowers
*How do you want to die: with my boyfriend of old age
*Where do you want to go to college: no where
*What do you want to be when you grow up: dancer or mom
*What country would you most like to visit: mexico

In the preferred sex...
*Best eye color: brown
*Best hair color: dark brown
*Short or long hair: middle
*Best height:taller than me but shorter and 5'9''
*Best weight: 115
*Best articles of clothing: bras and undies
best first date location: anywhere
*Best first kiss location: anywhere
*Number of drugs taken illegally: none
*Number of people I could trust with my life: 5
*Number of CDs that I own: over 60
*Number of piercings: 7 but i'm trying to close my lip one
*Number of tattos: none (right now)
*Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: 5
Number of scars on my body: over 10 (my entire legs
number of things in my past that i regret: alot

A - Age: 16
B - Best Quality: IDK
C - Choice Of Meat: chicken
D - Dream Date: my boyfriend
EEx: 3
F - Favorite Food: mexican
G - Greatest Accomplishment: idk
H - Happiest Day of Your Life: my sister being born
I - IQ: Idk
J - Job title: don't care
K - Kt: ???
L - Love: my boyfriend
M - Most Valued Thing I Own: idk
N - Name: Penny
O - Outfit You Love: anything I look good in
P – Pissed: depends what u do
Q - Question you want to ask: don't have one
R - Red is what: blood and love and sex
S - Sport To Watch: NASCAR and softball
T - Television Show: charmed
U - Unique habit: being
V - Very bad habit:alot
W - Winter: Cold, yucky!
X - X-rays you've had: over 20
Y - Year Born: 1990
Z - Zodiac Sign: gemini

Age: 17Year of birth: 1990Month of birth: 6Day of birth: 10

Gender: female

What do you do?: Something in between

Place of living: USA-Wisconsin

Exact place of living: Wausau

Known languages

Elfpack crew wannabe: No

countryhip hoppop

Other interests
beerbookscard games

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: normal

Height: 163

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