988) Who should be the Queen of Elfpack( choose from the entries. (No administrator)
Number of voters: 88
a) abbey who entry
Number of votes: 2 (2%) Voters: [Trick], [Amber's A Zombie!]
b) scottishrose entry
Number of votes: 15 (17%) Voters: [Tis gone but never gone], [GlassCasket], [ArtworkA], [Away forever, bye], [Ritsuka-Kun], [WASHACKED], [Legendary], [RayRay], [The Black Rose], [German Navy Seal], [Cerulean Sins], [Riddarvarg], [Ranaha], [**Yummy**Mummy**], [HeAVenShallBuRN]
c) vamp of night entry
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
d) fake smiles entry
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
e) Cacophonous Ballet entry
Number of votes: 3 (3%) Voters: [WonderTweek], [Chi], [madhalf]
f) Serpentine Nymphetamine entry
Number of votes: 3 (3%) Voters: [Retribution], [Tehrror], [Audio Science]
g) broken_beauty7 entry
Number of votes: 4 (5%) Voters: [chesire_ the cizat7], [pretty blue bomber], [breakbeat junkie], [russ09]
h) chi entry
Number of votes: 2 (2%) Voters: [wretched-reaper], [Velvet Dreams]
i) Hinata entry
Number of votes: 1 (1%) Voters: [Eternal Sunshine]
j) country girl entry
Number of votes: 1 (1%) Voters: [FuckEp]
k) play boi bunny entry
Number of votes: 20 (23%) Voters: [Kali Nicole], [nemesio], [BC boy], [powerless superman], [john doe], [antoneo], [Silent-J], [sexychick23], [cowboy_94], [Thomas Hollywood], [Odin], [amanda.lethal:)], [EddY], [Big Brother], [Tomj], [andriy], [Dodo birdd], [Yorthanii], [mysticwolf], [italianstud]
l) snail entry
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
m) zombiie entry
Number of votes: 3 (3%) Voters: [BarbieBoyy.], [Zombiie Natiion], [Metalhead420]
n) fallen angel entry
Number of votes: 2 (2%) Voters: [Fallen Angel 666], [calm as a bomb]
o) repo man entry
Number of votes: 1 (1%) Voters: [Moka Akashiya]
p) stephomelon entry
Number of votes: 1 (1%) Voters: [UncleBuzzie]
q) tasha entry
Number of votes: 6 (7%) Voters: [Skillz.], [AnotherBarbieOx], [TheJamsterOx], [darklite3333], [LoriiBabe.x], [Joss]
r) morrigan entry
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
s) poetic butterfly entry
Number of votes: 2 (2%) Voters: [Nezeb], [TEDYBER]
t) q-licious entry
Number of votes: 1 (1%) Voters: [Bradley Romero]
u) keesh entry
Number of votes: 4 (5%) Voters: [keesh.], [Zavier C.], [Product of a Primal Urge], [B1ackE1mo]
v) Midori entry
Number of votes: 1 (1%) Voters: [Eyes of the Reaper]
w) =Φ.Φ= entry
Number of votes: 1 (1%) Voters: [=Φ.Φ=]
x) №vαсαine entry
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
y) queen of darkness entry
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
z) phoenix entry
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
A) Cloud Natiion entry
Number of votes: 14 (16%) Voters: [Cloud Natiion], [timmyT], [Iinspiiratiion Natiion's Biitch], [Iinspiiratiion Natiion], [crazystuff], [Joshua.], [iquit.], [Chriss], [gbtyuo], [RiotRunner], [~Kissed by an Angel~], [Foxyvixen17], [skrillex.], [Shatureel]
B) emmaxcore entry
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
C) ex deus vita entry
Number of votes: 1 (1%) Voters: [Amaranthine]
D) pretty blue bomber entry
Number of votes: 0 (0%)