The name's Alex. Waldroop to the friends. Photography and the guitar are what I like; what I'm good at. I come off as pretty quiet, but once you get to know me, I talk a little more. I'm an Army guy. I may be tall and skinny, but I'm not weak. I'm pretty into tech; I help out the drama department a lot. I feel lost without my guitar. It's a big part of who I am. Without music in my life, I don't know where I'd be. I'm the same way with photography. I always have my camera in my pocket. Always.
I'm done talking about me. Learn more; ask questions.
(what friends shouldnt do)
friends dont let friends eat coconut flavored jelly beans [
ThatOneGuyJeff] 4/19/09
Friends dont let friends make Giraffe noises. [
ThatOneGuyJeff] 5/5/09
Photography as an art,
Panoramic veiws (pictures) this is all my Pictures i have taken...
Music review These are the bands i like...
So I have desided to start writing out my favorite movies. My friend jake got me thinking about how my favorite movie of all time is Across the Universe but I do like a lot of movies so here I go...
Across the Universe
7 Pounds
Lord of the Rings
Star Gate
Master of Disguise
Beatle juice