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2009-03-02 [UV-Reactive*]: xD No probs.
2009-04-01 [Eyes of the Reaper]: [GlassCasket]'s name-link needs to be fixed. I don't know why they put [Deadwater]...
2009-04-03 [UV-Reactive*]: So the person who is Deadwater is really [GlassCasket]?
2009-04-04 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I guess so. Unless they put someone else's name and messed it up hence the no-linkage.
2009-04-05 [GlassCasket]: fixded it! XD sorry i just have not had time lately lol
2009-04-06 [Yanmaru88]: Yeah, I was beginning to wonder about that name "Deadwater"...
2009-07-10 [Yanmaru88]: That new banner is really cool. Who came up with the idea?
2009-07-12 [UV-Reactive*]: Why thank-you.
It was me, bored.
I'm gonna do a title banner for each page. =]
2009-07-13 [mctim]: whoooooooooooo
2009-07-13 [UV-Reactive*]: Um, thanks?
Really random comment.
2009-07-21 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: O.O
2009-07-27 [Strawboy]: i beleive that was sarcasm
2009-09-16 [Trick]: I'll join. Vampires will never be as feared or as interesting/aw
2009-09-19 [ArtworkA]: I agree
2009-10-04 [д×ﻉ| PK]: u are dam straight [Trick] like my mom just bought me breaking dawn -___- i had to say ty and appreciate it but i'm not gonna read it -___-
2009-11-04 [My Sky's The Limit]: Couldn't have said that shit better myself.
2009-11-05 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Sadly, that is far too true, [Trick]... v.v
2010-04-08 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: My aunty bought me the whole set of books as a present.
It wasn't really her fault, she's never read them herself or seen the movies, I think she just assumed I'd like it because I love Vampires. (Which I do, just not stupid sparkly ones)
So I did say thankyou, but I'll never read them, I went and gave them to a charity shop, seeing as they weren't good for much else (Apart from making a bonfire)
2010-04-21 [д×ﻉ| PK]: oh didja hear now they makin the next pathetic book a movie... and its slated to come july or june -_-its going to be even more fail than the last 2 movies i didnt see. cuz they puttin it out too fast lol but it fails none the less
2010-04-21 [Trick]: I find it amazing how famous writers, poets, play-writers, and story tellers of the past often times didn't even get to see exactly how famous they would get and all the praise they would get for leading literature to where it is today. Then you have some author come along and say, "I don't like scary vampires, they should sparkle." She removed all that was classic from the weakness to daylight to the religious aspect (crosses and holy water). While other movie and book makers changed some aspects of select vampires and werewolves, this author gets famous and movie deals in a time frame that shouldn't even be allowed. She can't even write literature. I have to say I will be upset if these books ever make it to books that classes have to read for literature. These are a disgrace.
2010-04-21 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I agree wholeheartedly
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